~~Chapter Six~~ Discoveries

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~~Chapter Six~~


     I walk back to the dining hall. I sit back down at my table, and I don't look at the twins, I couldn't. We finish our meal, and everyone goes back to their respected rooms. I watch as Justin laughs with the Zeus and Hera and Aphrodite kids. He looks my way and shoots me a flirty smile.

     I blush madly and look away. My hand comes up to my lips, and Flamis watches with a careful eye. He flicks his gaze over to Justin, who's still watching me. Flamis narrows his eyes into a glare and looks at me with accusing eyes.

     "Come on, we should probably get back to the dorm before the halls crowd up." Jada stands and gives me a smile. Flamis just clicks his tongue and stands as well. I follow their action and we shuffle into the hallway.

     "What's up with you and Justin?" Flamis asks angrily. I look at him shocked.

     "Wha- what do you mean?" I ask readily. He gives me a look.

     "He kept looking at you when he came in. And you looked a little flustered when you came in." His voice was accusing.

     "I I I ugh..." I didn't know what to say. It was obvious that Jada had a thing for Justin, so it's not like I could tell them we kissed. And Flamis seems to resent Justin, so another reason I couldn't tell them.

     "Did he do something to you?" Jades voice is quiet.

     "No! No of course not. We talked about Ray's death." Jada looks away.

     "Mr. Burch was an awesome teacher. He was like a father to a lot of the students. Not to mention, he had many admires." She blushed at this part. 

     "So what did he tell you?"

     "Nothing really."


     "Yes." I say harshly. Jada opens her mouth, but then closes it. We continue back to our dorm in silence.

     The walk back is long again.

     Once inside, Jada goes to the bathroom and changes into something of more comfort. I do the same, putting on some joggers and a crop top with a tank top.

     Baggy is so much better then the tight uniforms. Baggy is my preferred style. I look at the discarded clothes on my bed, grab the phone, sit down, and sigh.

     "So I guess he gave that to you when you went after him." I look up at Jada.

     "Hmm? Oh you mean this? Yeah he did."

      "Avalon, tell me the truth. What really happened?" I look my stepsister in the eye.

     "You want to know what really happened? Then I'll tell you. But only because I trust you." I take a breathe. I decide whether or not to tell her about the kiss. I decide on no.

     "When I ran after him, we took a walk. I asked why this happened, and he asked why I cared. I said I didn't know. He told me that I was a prime suspect because security saw me leave the school at night hours. I don't remember doing that, so I called him out on it, and that was it."

     "Oh." She's quiet now. She sits down next to me and gives a meek laugh. "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me." I smile.

     "It's because you like him." She gives me a startled look.

     "Yeah... I guess I do." She laughs as her cheeks take a rosy color.

     "Ask him out. That's about all I can say in this situation. You're outgoing, so this shouldn't be a problem. Back at school, you asked out whoever you wanted with no worries. You and Flamis were considered popular."

     "Okay. I guess you're right. I'm gonna go for it. Should I go now?" I shake my head.

     "No he's really upset about Ray."

     "Oh, okay." She smiles a little and walks over to her bed. She flops down and whips out her phone.

     "So how does this thing work?" I look at the setting on my new phone. I've never had a phone, so I don't know what I should do. I know, pathetic. An eighteen year old never having a phone before.

     "Like any other phone." She says. She sits up and turns the tv on. I didn't even know we had that in here.

     "So, now what?" I ask. She puts on Modern Family.

     "Well, now we can pretty much do whatever."

     "Then I'm gonna go take a tour of the school."

     "Okay. Don't get lost." I laugh and walk out.

     There are so many turns and I find myself in a maze of hallways.

     "Aw dammit. Where are the dorms?"

     "Alright, I'll see you tonight."

     "What if I get caught?"

     "Don't worry about it. I'm the headmaster, no one is gonna stop you.

     "Okay bye." She giggles and I hear walking. I freak out and look for a place to hide. I open a door and walk inside. The room is totally empty, save for two stripped beds.

    "Who's room is this?" I look around and see a desk. I walk to it.

    "This wasn't here before," I open the one drawer and find a little dagger, a note attached to it. I grab the note.

     There's only one thing written on it, and it says 'RUN'.

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