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I shivered, looking around the small, white, empty room. I could see through the glass at them, but I was unable to hear the words that escaped their vile lips. However, I had learned to read lips in the years I have been here, but I made sure they were unaware of that.

'She isn't changing anymore'
'We have dozens with the same abilities'
'We need to....of her'

The last one to speak was a man, but he turned around in the middle of his sentence, so I only caught part of his words.

However, what I did hear made me quite uncomfortable. I didn't let it show, of course, but I was nervous of what I would 'hear' next.

'So what do we do with her?'
'I don't care, but make her untraceable'

I froze slightly. Are they planning on getting rid of me? For some reason, the thought actually made me feel sad, though I didn't know why. If they do decide to dispose of me, I should be happy. It would all be over. All the needles, painful operations, and the agony filled torment they call testing. Gone.

'But I'll be gone too' I thought to myself.

They started talking again.

'Yes sir. When?'
'Tomorrow. I want to do one last thing before she goes. I think it'll make it harder for anybody to trace her back here.'
'Yes sir.'


Hey guys! So, I previously had a few chapters of this up. But I am rewriting it, so I took them down. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was slow, but it'll pick up soon. So please stick with it, ok?

Thank you!


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