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Soooooooo, there's more to this book than you think (at least I hope so) and I will start introducing it soon. Maybe this chapter maybe not. I'm deciding how quickly I want things to happen.


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I sat on the couch, slowing sinking into the corner while comforted by the confinement of the pleasantly warm blanket wrapped around my small frame. My head started dropping to the side, and my eyes began to close. My contentment was interrupted when I felt a slight stinging sensation on my left shoulder. I sat up enough to reach my hand up and rub the spot where I felt a sting. But it quickly went away, and I dismissed it. Just as I was prepared to go back into my comfortable position, I heard footsteps from the hallway and instinctively snapped my head to look.

Darcy came down the hall, carrying a bundle of cloth in his arms.

"Hey, I got some clothes for you to wear. It's not much, and it's mine so it'll be big on you, but I think it will work." He said, and set them next to where I was sitting. I nodded, looking up at him. He stared at me for a second, before breaking eye contact and coughing slightly. "So, I'm assuming you will want to take a shower, so I can show you where it's at and stuff. Follow me. Uh, please." He said, and I stood up to follow him. He started down the hallway, with me shadowing behind him. I looked around the foreign style of interior, with its light brown walls, and pictures of people hanging on them. Most of the people I didn't know, but I saw two young boys sitting around a Christmas tree, one I recognized as a younger Darcy, the other looked similar, but not quite the same. The hair was a bit to light, and the face wasn't quite right.

Darcy turned and faced a large white widen door. He opened it up, and turned on the light, flooding the room with light. I followed him in, noting the comfortably large floor space.

"You can put your clothes here, if you need anything, let me know, ok? Like, seriously, anything." He told me.

"O-okay..." I said softly, still not completely used to using my voice at my own will. He gave me a warm smile and started walking out of the room. I went to turn on the shower but as I looked at it, I realized I didn't know how to turn it on. I decided, as I looked at the funny contraption, I would do the unintelligent thing, and try anyways instead of asking for help.

I can do this. It's just a shower. No big deal.

I grasped the metal knob and tried pushing and pulling.


So I tried twisting it, and it moved, but nothing else happened. I pulled it upwards and water came out loudly, startling me and causing me to jump slightly. I felt the water with my hand.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, as the water burned my hand. It's almost boiling! I heard heavy footsteps coming from the living room, and stood up straight with my eyes wide as Darcy entered the doorway, looking startled.

"Are you alright?" He said, with a worried expression. He looked at me as I rubbed my hand and stared at him with wide eyes. "Do you uh, want some help?" He asked after a moment of me not replying.


I nodded slowly.

Wait, no. I don't need help.

He stepped forward.

What? No, I can do this.

I moved out of his way.

I am independent. I can do things without help. You don't need him.

He looked at the knob, and gave out a small laugh. "Well no wonder, it's turned on the hottest setting!" He said, smiling at me. I gave a sheepish shrug.

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