25 5 3

Okay guys, this is in a different point of view.


I walked through the woods, trying not to crunch to much snow or make much noise. I was trying to get pictures of birds or other animals, and didn't want to scare them away.

What animals can I find in the winter anyways? Woolly mammoths?

My camera was hanging loosely from my neck from a strap I make when the previous one broke. As I walked it bounced gently against my stomach, making a muffled noise against my coat. I pulled my gloves off, breathing on them and cramming them under my arms. I try to refrain from rubbing my hands together, because I heard it does more harm than good.

I tucked my nose in the collar of my coat in attempts to warm my face, but all it did was make it hard to breathe. I put my gloves back on and headed toward the river. One time I saw a frog frozen in the ice, and I wanted to see if I could find it again.

Just then, my phone started ringing.

I pulled it from my pocket, and looked at the screen.


I answered the phone when I saw it was my brother.

"Hello?" I said.

"Yo, Darcy. I've got something to tell you."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay? What's up?"

He cleared his throat. "Okay, well, apparently I can't be back for another week..."

My eyes widened. "What? Why? Mom only agreed to let me watch your house for one week."

"Well, boss man called and apparently there's an emergency job I have to fly in and take care of in Ohio. But don't worry, I cleared it with mom and she agreed. Reluctantly, but she agreed. Look man, I'm really sorry. If you don't want to stay at my place for another week, I'll understand. I'll find someone else."

I sighed. I can't just dump him. Besides, I actually kinda like staying at a place myself. "No, it's fine. I get it. I'll watch your house a while longer."

Jason let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks man. Cause I was lying. I can't find someone else."

I laughed. "Yeah, okay. Anyways, I have to go. In in the middle of the woods and my phones going to die soon."

"Alright man, thanks again bro."

I rolled my eyes again at his 'cool slang'. "Yeah, alright. Bye."


I hung up the phone. Jason was my older brother. He's 25 and I'm 18, almost 19. Jason has a job that requires him to travel every once and a while. Usually only a few days, but this time it was longer. He needs me to watch over his house and make sure everything is in order. Especially since it's winter and it could freeze up.

I put my phone away and started off toward the river. It wasn't far away.

I heard a noise to my left, and quickly turned my head to look at the source. My heart raced a bit, then suddenly a squirrel bounced out of the snowy brush, causing me to jump back.

I looked at it, calming my heart rate. Just a squirrel. I felt my face turn red slightly, a bit embarrassed.

"Hey, um...little guy..." I said to the furry creature.

Why am I talking to a squirrel.

I headed back toward the river in shame.

Wow, I really am a loser.

I approached the river, going more and more near to the edge. The ice was frozen, but only a thin layer on the top.

But as I got more and more near, I started to see something frozen partially in the ice, part in the snow.

"What is..." My voice trailed off, and I felt a slight tug in my stomach. The closer I got, the more I could see, that it definitely wasn't a frog.

That's way bigger than a frog...

I craned my neck, and took another couple steps, careful not to step on the fragile ice. I looked closely.

Is that what it looks like it is?


I swallowed hard, stomach twisting wildly now, and bile rose to my throat.

It's a person...

I quickly rushed forward, I suppose it was in hopes the person was still alive. I broke the ice around the persons legs, and dug up the rest of them from the snow, and drug them out of the water.

That's when I noticed something horribly wrong.

"What happened to you?" I whispered, looking at the gashes and wounds covering their whole body. The neck was obviously broken.

I backed up in horror, knowing someone had to of done this on purpose. At that point, my stomach was about to give out on me, and cause me to lose my lunch.

I noticed movement.

They can't be alive...

I stared, not able to comprehend what I was seeing. The skin was moving. Stretching over the body like nothing I've ever seen. Almost as if it was healing...but that's impossible.

Pale skin, stretching and pulling over itself.

I can't believe this.

The skin and muscle slowly reformed, till there was a feminine body laying in the snow, wearing simple spandex shorts and a short sleeve shirt. Dark blonde hair, and the palest skin I have ever seen. The neck was still broken, and the girl was facedown in the snow. Motionless.

I was to terrified to even breathe.



The neck went back into place.

I waited.



What do I do?

Then she gave a gasp, and choked up bloody water.


Ok y'all, I don't know if this chapter was good or not, but I felt it necessary. Keep an eye on this fella, he might be pretty important.

*winks obnoxiously*



Yeah, ok.

Bai c:


Word count: 977


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