22 4 3

Yo yo home bro.


We waited for the pizza to arrive, while doing various things. Mostly small talk. Though, he did the talking. He told me about his older brother Jason, and how Darcy was just watching the place for a while. He mentioned his mother, that she was a bit over protective and clingy, and how he loved her, but hoped to get his own place soon, considering he was almost 19. When he mentioned his age, he also asked for mine. I didn't know exactly, but I told him I was 17. He also asked my birthday. I dodged that question, not smoothly, but he didn't press.

Ding dong

I lifted my head and the strange noise, looking around the room, trying to find the source. I probably looked like a startled deer.

"Pizza must be here. I'll be right back." Darcy said, leaving the couch. He walked over to the door and swung it open, revealing a lanky young man on the other side. He carried boxes in his hands. Darcy dug in his wallet and pulled out some money. I poked my head up a little bit farther, and the pizza man saw me, and gave me a wink and a odd smile. Unfamiliar with the gesture, I frowned, and looked at him blankly. However, Darcy seemed to understand what the man was implying, and glared at him slightly, stepping to the side so I was out of view. After a moment, Darcy closed the door, and carried boxes over towards me, setting them on the coffee table. He sat down, reached over, and opened a larger box, and the single smaller box. One contained a large, round, steaming object which I assumed to be pizza, while the other contained what was apparently bread sticks. The name sort of gave away the names, which I was grateful for.

"Dinner is served. Carful, it's still hot. Hey, want to watch a movie or something while we eat? My brother has Netflix on his TV." Darcy looked at me. I gave him a blank look.

What is he even talking about?

"Okay." I said, hoping it wasn't too complicated. He smiled, and grabbed what looked like some sort of remote control, pointing it at a large video screen hung on the wall. Everything was like, a lower tech version of the things I saw at the lab. He pressed buttons, and pulled up a strange set up on the TV.

"What do you want to watch? Horror? Comedy? Science fiction?" I stared at him, trying to process what he was asking.

"Uhhh..." I simply continued to stare at him.

"We could watch a superhero movie? Like, Spider-Man or something." He suggested. I nodded, and glanced down at the pizza.

How do I eat that stuff?

The smell of it made my stomach growl. Darcy looked at me. I blushed.

"You can eat whenever, you know. No need to wait for me." He said, meaning well. I nervously looked back and forth from him, to the pizza. I had no idea how to eat it! Do I just pick it up?

"I-I uh..." I stuttered. He looked at me, confused. "Um, I d-don't..."

His eyes widened. "You're not a vegan, right? Oh man, I'm so sorry! I didn't know, I just-"

"No, no! It's not that..." I cut him off, not wanting him to feel guilty over something that wasn't even true. "I just..."


"I've never..."


I gave a sigh, and avoided eye contact. "I've never actually...eaten...pizza..." My voice trailed off, and got more and more quiet till it was barley a whisper.

He stared at me for a long time. "You...you've never had pizza?" He said, shocked. I shook my head slightly, still not looking him in the eyes.

"I...I don't know h-how to e-eat it..." I stuttered. He looked at me for a moment more.

"Really? Okay...well...I guess I'll show you." He said in a kind voice. When I continued to look anywhere but at him, he spoke again. "Hey- hey wait a second! It's alright. I get it. Don't worry, I'll show you."

I looked at him. "Okay..." I could feel my cheeks burn in embarrassment. I could tell this was a extremely popular food choice. Everyone should know how to eat it.

I watched him as he carefully picked up a slice, and I realized it must've been cut because it came out smoothly and cleanly. He held it by his face, the pointed end towards him, and took a bite.

"You see? Easy." He said, trying to speak with pizza in his mouth. I looked at the box, and did as he did. It was pretty simple, which I was glad for. I took a bite, and immediately tasted the warm flavors, frankly not expecting it to be like that. I have only eaten a single thing my whole life. And it was pretty much tasteless. It amazed me that a flavor like this could exist.

"You like it?" Darcy asked me when I stared at the slice in my hands.

I nodded vigorously. "Mmmhhmm!" I mumbled, enjoying my pizza fully. After I swallowed the bite, I gave a big smile. He saw me smiling, and started smiling just as big. "It's amazing!" I said, in awe of such flavors.

"I agree 100%. Pizza is like, a trademark food for the world or something. Well, pizza and cheeseburgers." Darcy said happily.

"What's that?" I asked, at this point not even caring if I sounded weird for not knowing.

"Cheeseburgers?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, it's like, hamburger patties in between two buns and it has lettuce and cheese and tomato and stuff. I can take you to get one sometime. They don't order to your house like pizza. At least, not to my knowledge. But there's some pretty great places around here to go and get them."

I get to see more places, and taste more food, see new people, even if I don't actually talk to them, I'll see real family's and modern day culture. I thought to myself.

"Yeah, yeah that would be great." I said to him, and continued eating my pizza.

He smiled. "Okay, well, you eat your pizza, I'll pick out a movie." He said, and began scrolling through the movies. "Oh, hey, wanna watch Captain America? It's about this guy named Steve who is really weak and stuff, but these people make him super strong and he turns into this cool WWII super hero guy. It's great." He said enthusiastically. I nodded, ate my pizza, wrapped my blanket around myself, and watched the tv as he turned on the movie.




So, this chapter made me super hungry but it's late and I can't go get food. *cries*

I know this chapter was a bit weird and bland and junk but I tried to make it alright. Sorry.

How do you think that whole "Captain America" deal is going to go over with Sage? Will she be inspired? Will she have a meltdown? Dunno! Well, I have an idea, but I'm the author soooo...

Thanks guys!!!


* <-- it's a star like this see






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