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The picture is of...well I guess you don't know her name yet, but you know.

Sorry the picture is a bit confusing, but it's the best I got. Found it on Pinterest.



It's a strange thing, awaiting death. You know it's coming, but you don't know exactly how, and what it will be like. Will I be in agony? Or will they decide to make it painless? It will probably hurt. The things they do always hurt.

And what is the man planning on doing to me that will make me "untraceable"?

Now, they all had name tags, but they never taught me to read properly. I could read, but not well enough to catch the quick glimpses of the tags at a distance.

Teaching me that was considered unnecessary.

I looked around at the small room I was in. Barely considered a room. White floors, walls, everything. I had a small padded spot on the floor to sleep, and a toilet at a slightly closed off corner of the room, with just a wall giving me privacy. One of the walls was glass, enabling me to see them, and them to observe me. There was a door, but it was steel and only opened from the outside. It was only opened while I was sleeping, to slip in food and water, and when they took me out to...experiment on me.

I had just got up, though I was up all night thinking about what was going to happen to me.

I say night, but I have no true sense of time. I have never been outside this building. Never seen the sky...

And now I never will.

I sighed. From what I could tell, I was seventeen to eighteen years of age. Things I hear them say, and glimpses I catch of the papers they hold have at least told me that much.

I'm so young, yet old enough to know a have missed out on so much in this world. And any life I have left will be cut short. I thought in emotional agony. I knew I was being pathetic and shallow, but I couldn't help it.

I have missed so many things...I don't even have a name.

I looked at the metal door to see if I had any food or water, but for the first time, nothing was there. But I suppose that's expected. I mean, why feed something that's not even going to be here tomorrow?

I wonder what it'll be like, to not be alive anymore.

I sat, drowning in my own thoughts for what felt like hours.

Till I heard a certain metal door squeak open.

I looked up.

"Morning, subject 92. Come with me."



So, sorry this is a bit uneventful, but it needed to be done. I have great and evil plans for this book, so stuck around (;

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Word count: a pathetic 502

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