The Confrontation.

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I know I know it's been awhile since i have updated but i just got a break with school and all not to mention I'm pregnant with my first child!! Yes Yes I know I'm only 19 but God gives you only what he thinks you can handle and it he didn't want it to happen it would't have! But here you go hope you enjoy and maybe the next update won't be so long!!


Karma's P.O.V

Today the guy's are going to show Brian that cheating is not okay and no they haven't  told me what they have planned but I can't wait. I actually wanted to make out with someone and him walk in on us but that would make me a cheater to and after talking with guy's i decided not to stoop to his level. I just hope he see's how he has broke my heart not by just cheating on me but by cheating on me with my best fucking friend!! I can't bleieve i fell for his shit and slept with him!!! 

Dominick has really been here with me these past two days I got suspended for two days for unruly conduct. The principle didn't want to suspend me of the big pep rally. No one gets suspended on them days at all not sure why but the teacher won't suspend anyone on that day. 

"Hey you ridding with me today or is Dominick picking you up again?" Jade asked winking at me.

"He is and no it's nothing like that besides he don't date and if he did it wouldn't be me. He wouldn't go for a girl like me" I said  " Besides what about you and  Derek you two can't seem to stay around each other with out looking at the other and you blush a lot around him so whats going on?" 

"Umm You know that day I had called you over. Well Derek had been over and well we had wound up fighting over the remote and he wound up on top of me and right when my brother walked in he kissed me and no it wasn't a long kiss but a quick one and blah blah i went to the gym and started hitting the punching bag and he taught me how to stand and then he says about that kiss and i just automatically said yeah it didn't mean anything!  Ugh was that a stupid thing to say or what?" Jade asked

"No it wasn't but you still could have talked to him about it though and you still should" I said 

By that time Dominick and Derek had pulled up. Damien's car is messed up and he refuses to ride with his sister so he rides with Dareck. I wonder how he would react to Derek kissing Jade probably not very good. But Dominick liking me is very unlikely. I got into Dominick's car and we started to school but he turned down the road right before you get to the school.

"Dominick where are we going" I asked

"I figured you could just show up to school for the thing today instead of all day so I'm taking you out for breakfast" Dominick said 

"Yeah sure why not" I said and sat enjoying the ride. 

After we ate breakfast and went to a near by park and just hung out talking and laughing. It feels good to talk to someone other than family or Jade and Damien hell they are family. I smiled at Dominick taking in his features he has jet black hair bright green eyes and full lips for a guy lol and I love the lip ring he has. I swear every time he bite his lip or plays with that damn piercing i want to kiss him even though I know he would never kiss me or even look at me that way.

" You know I think that Derek and Jade should go out" I said laying down the grass 

"Why do you say that? You know that boy don't date girls even though she would be good for him but damien will never let that happen. He protects y'all to much for a guy like us to date y'all he would fucking kill us." dominick said 

" So your saying that if you liked a girl you wouldn't date her because of her over protective brother or her over protective guy friend." I asked.

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