A Strange Encounter [Jack Harries fanfic]

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Hey! So this is my first ever time writing a fanfic, so pls don't hate if its not amazing! Also, sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes, i will try my best, but feel free to correct me in the comments :)  

Storyline: This is about a girl called Michelle (which is my name, but i am not basing her on myself as i am only 13) who is 18 years old, and she is travelling to Bristol for her summer holidays. Hope u enjoy!  Btw, go follow @claramorrissey , she is my  best friend and she also loves the Harries twins so i based the character 'Clara' a bit on her :)

Michelle's POV  


I breathed in a long, comforting breath and sat back in my seat. I had just left my family to go to Bristol with my friend Clara for the summer, and was now sitting on the train (Clara and i had arranged to meet in Bristol, since she had family there and she was with them)  

As the train was just about to leave the station, a male voice called out "No! Stop the train!" I automatically sprung up from my seat to see a tall boy about my age, with mesmerising dark green eyes, running for the train. Following my instincts, i ran to the door of the already moving train, and slammed my hand onto the emergency "STOP" button. To be honest, i had no idea what i was doing! I was just so lost in the handsome boy's eyes--------Wait, did i really just call him handsome? Cringeeeeeee! Anyway, after i pressed the button he leapt into the carriage, and the train zoomed off. 

The young boy looked at me with a grateful smile, and held out his hand "Hi, i'm Jack. Jack Harries. And you are...?"  

I took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Jack, my name's Michelle. That was close! You were about to miss your train weren't you, if it wasn't for me." I winked cheekily at him and he stared at me for a second before covering it up by winking back, and saying a small "Thanks". 

However, i didn't fail to notice the strange look in his eyes as soon as i first winked at him, and being the curious/nosy person i am, i just had to find out what it was. "What's the matter?" i asked.  

"Nothing," he replied, not looking straight at me.  

"Nothing huh?" I retorted, "Well then why were you so taken aback when i winked at you? What, did you think i was being inappropriate or something?"  

He chuckled. Then looked at me, and laughed again, this time even harder.  

"What?!" i exclaimed, "What are you hiding Mr. Harries?" i smirked when i called him that. I don't know why, but i decided to call him Mr. Harries for some reason.  

He blushed, glanced at me, then at the people around us, and sighed. "Fine, i'll tell you. But only because you are so beautiful."  

It was my turn to blush "Thank you" i mumbled, making him smirk playfully. "Oi," i said, getting my confidence back, "don't change the subject! You were saying...?"  

He sighed and began explaining that he had an identical twin brother called Finn - at which point i thought "Wow! There's two of these gods?!" - and how Jack hadn't seen Finn in a long time, and was very sad without him. He explained that they were like best friends.  

"Aww!" i exclaimed, "But i still don't understand how that has anything to do with me winking?"  

"Well, you see, Finn always winks at everyone, whether it's a girl, a boy, me, or even a camera! And you looked so much like him in that second that you winked, that i suddenly remembered him, and how much i miss him." A tear escaped his eye, and i couldn't help but think how perfect he was.  

I took this opportunity to check him out. He was tall, slim, but you could still see that he worked out, he had short, light brown hair and dark greyish-green eyes that captivated me as soon as i saw them. There was something about him; maybe it was the way he blushed when i looked at him, or the way his hair would fall perfectly into place, or maybe that he didn't mind being seen crying over his brother. He was just so sweet, that i had to resist the urge to hug him and comfort him then and there.  

We chatted for a little more, until it was time to get off. We exchanged numbers and he gave me a quick peck on the cheek before saying a  

cheeky "Bye!" and running off. I could feel myself going red, but luckily he couldn't see me.  

I soon saw Clara waving at me frantically and i ran towards her. She helped me with my luggage, and we got into her car. "I'm driving" she said firmly. I laughed at her eagerness "That's fine with me Clara, since if you hadn't noticed, i DONT HAVE MY LICENCE YET!" I shouted. (This is just an inside joke between us, sorry) 

"Ok, ok, no need to get angry Missy." We laughed the whole journey to her aunt's house, and when we finally arrived i am pretty sure we both had a six-pack.

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