Chapter 10 >>>

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Jack's POV

Me and Finn beat that Darren kid up pretty bad. I almost feel guilty. But that thought quickly vanishes. You mess with my girl? Be prepared to face me.

Finn's POV

 That poor guy. We seriously hurt him bad. But he deserved it! How dare he kiss Clara and then slap Michelle! What a jerk.

*1 week later*

Michelle's POV

Today Jack and Clara are leaving for 4 days to go to a film school in Ireland for a 4 day trial. Let me explain. When Clara was 12 she started a Youtube channel called ClaraWasHere3. I was sometimes in her videos and we would mess around with funny video editing. Because the channel wasn't insanely popular, she decided to quit it, but she still pursued her love for filming. On her 17th birthday Clara decided that she would begin a new youtube channel, and would try even harder this time. She soon reached around 5000 subscribers, then by her 18th birthday she reached 20,000 and just a few days ago, 1 million subscribers! Jack also has a youtube channel (which we didn't know about until now) called JacksGap, on which Finn sometimes joins in. He is also very popular on Youtube at the moment. He reached 1 million subscribers around the same time as Clara, and that is when the Irish film school (it is probably one of the best film schools in Europe) contacted both of them, asking them to try out their school and see whether they want to go there. 

So today we were saying goodbye to them for 4 days :(  To be honest, i don't know why i am so sad! It's not like it's for a month, or a year. It's not even for a full week! But something makes me think that i am going to miss my best friend and my boyfriend a lot. But at least i have Finn to keep me company. And he is super fun, so i doubt i will get bored at all this week.

Clara's POV

I was super excited to be going to this school, but at the same time very sad to be leaving Finn and Michelle behind. But hopefully Jack and I will have loads of fun while we're in Ireland, and maybe even learn some more filming skills! 

Jack's POV

We were by the train, that would take us to Ireland. "FINNYYYYY!!! I'm gonna miss you so much little buddy!" I screamed. "Hey, you know i'm older AND taller than you, right Jack?" He replied. "Naw, i know, but i'll miss you anyway." I said. "Yeah i'll miss you too Jacky boy!" Finn pouted as we hugged each other. I looked sideways and saw that Clara and Michelle were doing the same. As we all finished hugging each other and saying our final goodbyes, Clara and I headed off onto the train, and we waved to Michelle and Finn as the train left the station. "So, wanna play 20 questions?" Clara asked cheekily. "Sure," i replied,"You know, i just realised that i don't actually know that much about you!"  "I know," Clara said, "That's why we're gonna play this game Jack!"

*Later that day*

Finn's POV

Marcus (Butler) Zoe (Sugg), and Alfie (Deyes) arrived at my house about 20 minutes before the party. Oh yeah, sorry "what party" did you ask? Sam Pepper's 19th birthday. Michelle was staying at my house for the time being, as it just so happened that both mine and Clara's family were away, and i thought it would be a little awkward if Michelle stayed on her own in Clara's aunt's house, so i invited her over for the 4 days that Jack and Clara would be away for. 

"Helloooooooooooo" i heard Marcus's familiar greeting as he stepped in. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Zoe's soft voice spoke. "Washup!" Alfie's accent and tiny lisp could be heard all through the house. "Hey guys," i said, "Michelle's just upstairs getting ready, but you guys can come in."  "Um, Finn? Who's Michelle? Haha, your new girlfriend?" Marcus joked. "Nooo! She's Jack's girlfriend, and also my girlfriend's bestfriend. Remember the person that Jack went to Ireland with? Yea, that's Clara, my girlfriend." I explained.  "OMG yay!! There's another girl here! Now i actually have someone to talk to! Where is she?!" Zoe exclaimed. "Where's who?" I heard Michelle say. I turned around and saw her, she looked absolutely stunning. Wait, WHAT AM I THINKING?! But i must admit, she did look super gorgeous! Oh god, please tell me i don't mean that! I mean, i could still think people look hot, but not be into them, right?....Oh no.

Michelle's POV

As i was walking down the stairs, i heard a familiar girl's voice say "Now i actually have someone to talk to! Where is she?" Omg, it sounded like.... no, it couldn't be! But, maybe it really was Zoella from Youtube? Anyway, i would just have to find out. I walked calmly down the stairs, and saw that it really was Zoella! And next to her was THE Alfie Deyes (aka PointlessBlog) AND Marcus Butler!!! Omg, could this day get any better?! I mean, Finn had already told me that we were going to THE Sam Pepper's house (yes, i was a fan of him too), but i had no idea that there were gonna be these Youtube stars there. I decided to play it cool, and not look like one of those crazy superfans (which i am, but they didn't need to know that). I crept up behind all of them, and said "Where's who?" They all turned round and i saw Finn briefly check me out. Then he winked. What the hell?! I decided to ignore it - it was probably just a friendly wink, right? I brushed it off and decided to introduce myself. "Hi, i'm Michelle, and you guys are...?" I pretended like i didn't know who they were. "Hi, i'm Zoe!" She said first. "And helloooooo, i'm Marcus!" Marcus said his famous helloooo and i giggled. "And i'm Alfie, nice to meet you Michelle." He said quietly. There was an awkward silence, but Zoe broke it by saying "Um, Michelle? Could i talk to you for a moment?" "Uh, sure, let's go upstairs. We'll be right back." i said.

When we were upstairs, I led her to a room and she locked the door. "Hi, um i know we only just met, and i really shouldn't be judging you, but i think we may have a twin problem here. And the problem" She said. I was startled, "Um, excuse me?" i asked, sarcastically. "Sorry, that really came out wrong! I'm not saying your a problem, nothing like that, just..... ok, let me just explain." She babbled. I nodded, and she continued. "Ok. Well, Finn said that you're Jack's girl, right? But when you came down the stairs i saw Finn openly checking you out, and then he smiled and winked at you! And, and the way he looks at you, tells me that there's something going on here. Now, i might not know you very well, but i know the twins well enough to know that something similar has happened before, and you seem like a nice person so i don't want to see any of you getting hurt." Zoe finished. I sighed, "Look, Zoe, it is really sweet of you to care about us, but i swear nothing is going on between me and Finn! I promise, i love Jack and he loves Clara. I would hate to come between the two twins, and i know that i'm not. I think Finn just checked me out like boys check out any girl. And i am also sure that he meant nothing by the wink." "ok," Zoe answered, "I believe you, and as long as you're sure Finn feels that way about Clara, then everything's fine. Oh by the way, you look amazing in that dress!" "Omg, thank you, you too! You're lucky you can wear heels! I can't, that's why i'm in these converse." I answered. "Yea but you look awesome in them! You rock that look." She exclaimed. We went downstairs and jumped in the car. Apparently Alfie was driving because "he was the most responsible one" pfft! I'm responsible! Lol, not!

We got to the party, and the whole time Finn would not stop checking me out! Urrggh, what is wrong with him - poor Clara. God, this night was SO not gonna be as good as i thought it would...

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