Chapter 8 >>>>>>

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Finn's POV


We were currently all at the hospital, sitting in silence, waiting for some news about Jack or Michelle. Clara and Lauren had told me the whole story, starting with Lauren wanting to break up with me (which we have btw, but we are still good friends), up until Clara accidentally kissing Jack thinking it was me! I believed them completely, because i could tell Clara cared too much about mine and Michelle's feelings to do something like this on purpose.

Back to the car accident: Michelle was so upset after seeing them kissing, that she fled, with tears in her eyes, out of the house and onto the street, where she didn't see the car coming towards her. But Jack did, and so he ran to her, probably hoping to save her. But instead they had both been hit by the car. But luckily, (and yea you're probably thinking "what could be lucky about this situation") but LUCKILY the car was only one of those small two-seated ones, so the impact wasn't as bad as it could've been with a big car.

Suddenly, i heard the doctor calling me. "Mr---- um, Harries?"

"Yes?" i replied, anxious to know any news.

"Well... um, we need to talk in private," replied the doctor.

"Can i come too?" Clara said, worried.

"Yes, actually, it is better if you come." said the doctor. We followed him into a room.

Clara's POV


"HE'S WHAT?!!!!" i screamed, unable to control myself. The doctor had just told Finn and I that Jack has suffered part-time memory loss. "Please, Miss, calm down!" the doctor calmly replied.

"Calm down?!! Calm down?!!" i replied, sounding like some lunatic. This was so unlike me, what was happening? "You want me to calm down, after you just told me that one of my good friends has lost their memory?! I mean, what if he doesn't remember us? Or, Michelle?!! Michelle! His GIRLFRIEND! She loves him, and she's going to be so heartbro------"

"That's enough." boomed the doctor.

"Sorry..." i mumbled quickly.

"You didn't even let me finish," replied the doctor, "He only has partial memory loss, which means he remembers everything before the day of the accident. Now are you still in a panic, Miss?"

I let out a huge sigh of relief. And i saw Finn too. Was he thinking what i was thinking? If he didn't remember anything that had happened that day... then he didn't remember me kissing him and Michelle getting angry and upset at us. We've just got to work things out with Michelle and ask her to not tell him, and everything will be fine.

I mean, what Jack doesn't know, won't hurt him...

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