Say what now?

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Peter's POV

They stared at me like I was crazy. "I'm totally serious guys. I think Venom and I have come to an understanding." Before I could blink, Natasha had me in a sleeper hold.

"Think about this carefully before you answer, are you Venom right now?" She hissed.

If you've ever been in a sleeper hold, you know how hard it is to breath. Luckily for me, I knew how to escape it. "I am not Venom!'' I turned my head towards the crevice of her elbow so I could breathe and squeezed her funny bone area. Once she loosened her grip, I stomped on her foot and slipped away. "What the hell, Natasha?" I wheezed, still taking deep breaths of air.

"We already knew Venom could use your regular form, and you didn't exactly sound sane when you said you wanted to be friends with him. How was I supposed to know you were you?" She protested.

"That doesn't mean you put me in a choke hold!"

"What else would you want me to do?" She sounded desperate.

"I don't know!" I grabbed the already packed duffle bag on my bed. "But if you can't trust me then I can't be on this team," I turned towards the window, making sure they had time to change their minds, but the only voice I heard, was Tony's.

"JARVIS, lock down the tower," He order the AI. I made a break for the window right before it sealed and swung home in the rain, a solo act once more.

Steve's POV

Spider-Man just quit the Avengers. I let the thought sink in for a while before turning to Natasha and Tony. "Guys, what the hell?"

Natasha paled, seeming to realize what had just happened. "I-I don't know." She stuttered. "You know how I get visions about people when something bad is about to happen?" I nodded. "Well, I saw Venom taking over Peter's subconscious. I also saw Peter, in pain and trapped inside his mind."

I turned to Tony. "And what's your excuse?" Just because Natasha has a valid explanation doesn't mean anything for you.

"I wasn't about to let him slip through my fingers. Even if he isn't a part of this team he could still save millions. With his DNA, I could cure cancer!" He said, as if it was obvious.

I stared at him, shocked. "So you were going to treat him like a lab rat." My voice was rising. "He's a kid, Tony, and all you want is his blood. Did you forget what happened last time you tried to test on him? What would you have done if Venom attacked? Peter won't see you as a person to protect. That thing protects Peter, better than we ever could, and you think you could just bypass that?"

I was shouting now, all attention was on me. I almost never got mad. In my anger fueled rant, I had backed Tony into a corner. He looked terrified. Natasha and Clint's hands instinctively went to their guns.

"I'm sorry," Tony squeaked.

"You should be." I stormed out and suited up. That kid needed help and I was going to find him.

Peter's POV

I couldn't go home to Aunt May, I wasn't ready to face her. So I headed to an old friend's house. I landed outside Hank Pym's mansion and knocked. I was so relieved when Hope answered the door. "Peter!" Her smile vanished when she saw me. "Are you ok? It's freezing, come inside. I'll get you a towel." I was soaked. I walked into the living room to see Hank and Scott working on the Ant-Man suit.

"Can I stay here awhile? I have to lie low." I asked.

They nodded. Hope wrapped me a warm towel, "You can stay as long as you like." They knew my identity because we had crossed paths once. Scott was on a mission to steal something and he was taking on heavy fire. He happened to be stealing something from a SHIELD facility while I was there, so I helped him out. (Of course, I had a long talk with Nick later, but that's not important.)

They were grateful for my assistance and offered to be my home away from home, a proposal I gladly accepted. Whenever I visited, Scott and Hope would train me, while Hank helped me update my web-shooter tech. He even tried to give me shrinking powers, but I told him there was no such thing as a shrinking spider and I needed to stick with my theme. Unfortunately, I got badly injured in a fight but I couldn't go to the hospital because of my secret identity. I barely made it to them in time but they patched me up, that's how they knew who I was. I changed into some dry clothes Scott provided and told them what happened.

"All Starks do is mess things up!" Hank said. This isn't going to help his view of Tony change. "The Avengers can't tell the difference between a villain and a cantaloupe."

"At least they won't think to look for you here." Scott reassured. Since they lived in a different part of New York then the Avengers, I could help out on missions without them finding me. At least here I'm wanted, I thought.

Natasha's POV

I followed Steve into the mission room and saw him suiting up. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to look for Peter, alone." Steve said, not looking at me.

"Then I'll look for him by myself too, right next to you." I used every technique I learned from the Red Room on him.

He sighed, "Don't do that Natasha."

I looked as innocent as possible, "Do what? I'm worried about him, Steve. We need to find him. He's the best thing to happen to this team and you know it."

He faced me. "Fine, you can help me look for Peter, but no one else."

I nodded. Where are you Peter?

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