Doc Ock (Part 2)

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OK a few things first:

1. I'm not dead


3. I am very sorry about my lack of updating, my fault

Here you go, the new chapter.


Great, I get caught in a villain's lair, AND OUT OF COSTUME.

Well, that seems like something that could only happen to you.

Oh, and you're back! Just my luck. I thought.

Otto's screams brought me back down to Earth. "Intruder! Show yourself!"

I can fight, which probably isn't a good idea, or I can run. Doc Ock made the decision for me. "Spider-Man's blood! It's gone! I'll have to lock down the facility." Now my first thought was, 'This place is old, what can he do?', but then large, metal shutters clamped down around every door and window in sight. I was in complete darkness. Well that's just perfect.

I could help you get out. Venom said, persuasively.

You'd like that wouldn't you? I asked him.

This isn't about me, it's about helping you escape this dump. I don't even need full control.

I mulled it over. Fine, you can help.

Thank you. He said, and just like that, I was sneaking out of a rundown, high-tech lab. Venom would give me instructions on where to go and I'd follow them. Turn left.

I did as I was told. How do you know where you're going? I asked while walking down a hall.

How do you not? It's the same layout as Oscorp, just smaller. I noticed he was right, this wasn't just a warehouse, it was too big and techy.

This is one of Oscorp's secret labs, isn't it? I realized.

Bingo. I'm surprised you didn't notice sooner. Duck! I felt as if I was being slammed into the ground. A small dart sat on the ground a few feet in front of me.

Wow, thanks. I was surprised, Venom could've let me get hit, but he didn't. "I see you! Bring me back my sample! Ow!" There was a large crash.

Guess he CAN'T see us, huh? Venom asked. Run straight ahead, there should be a vent. Use it. I was so happy, but it seemed too easy. I passed a room that emanated blue light.

I wonder what that is... I entered the room.

Hurry, we don't need the Doc to figure out how to navigate in the dark. Venom hissed.

Yeah, yeah. I'm hurrying. The source of the light was a long piece of metal on a table. As I got closer, I noticed more about the metal. It wasn't just a piece, it was more like a staff with a pointed edge. Near the edge was a bright blue energy source. Holy shit! This is Loki's scepter! But how? There was a large crash outside.

No time! Run for it!

I took one last glance at the scepter and sprinted down the hall. I entered the vent and dove inside. Great, make a left and we'll be home free. I exited the vent and landed on the concrete below, waiting for something bad to happen.

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