Gone Again

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Peter's POV

Rogers looked surprised. He said, "Peter, now is not the time for games, let's go." When Natasha couldn't move me, Steve tried, but I use my super strength and wall-crawling ability to stay in place.

I pulled away and move towards Scott, "No. I am staying here, where they appreciate me, Venom and all."

My words hit Steve like a bullet, he stepped back. "What? You think we don't appreciate you?"

This made me even angrier, but I heard a voice. Calm down, a good argument is made when you're calm. Also, let's keep that info I gave you on the down low.

Fine. I thought back. "Of course! Sending Iron Fist, almost locking me in the Tower, trying to use me as a lab rat! You're just out to take advantage of me," I scowled and moved even closer to Scott.

"What did they do to you?" Natasha couldn't believe I didn't want to go with them.

"They didn't brainwash me, if that's what you're insinuating. They trained me, cared for me, and took me on missions, something you never did."

Steve looked surprised. "How could we have? You were on our team for almost a month," He replied.

"You were all too busy with Venom. Well you know what?"

Don't do it.... He warned, but I was too angry to listen.

"You caused him to come back. All the avengers did!" I shouted.

I asked you to do one thing, Peter. One thing! You'll regret you said anything. I winced, it felt like he was shaking my brain.

"Something wrong Peter?" Hank asked. You're trying to take over aren't you? I asked him.

No hard feelings but they can't know anything about me. I felt immense pain as he tried to gain control. I fell to the ground clutching my head. I could see everyone surrounding me but everything was muffled. Natasha pulled everyone back, she placed her hands on my temples and everything stopped. No pain, no voices, no nothing. "What did you do?" I asked her.

"You pick up a few things working for the KGB." She said, obviously happy I was talking to her.

This one knows much. I want to know what she does, go back with them. He demanded.

No, I have to get you away from them. "Like Dagger." I whispered.

"Who's Dagger?" Natasha and Venom asked in unison.

"She was someone I met while I was on my other team. She could make and throw light daggers at anyone, she even had a cleansing one. She used it on me when we were fighting once."

Oh, her. She was nice. I smiled at the memory, it was supposed to be a regular recruitment mission but Iron Fist and White Tiger got captured by Dormammu and mind controlled for the army. Good times.

"She worked at S.H.I.E.L.D. with her partner. We're all good friends." I turned to look at all of them. "I am a danger to you all, if the Avengers won't leave me alone then I'll have to disappear." I paused, He's been quiet too long. Venom? What are you doing?

What's needed to be done to protect my host.

I could feel him messing with my brain, What's happening? I felt myself getting heavier and I saw all the confused, worried people step towards me. "No! Go, leave before he takes control!"

Don't make this worse for you or them. They can't be allowed to remember. He said in my head.

I had an idea, it was a long shot but way better than killing them. What if I hit them? I can give them traumatic amnesia, at the right speed and angle they could forget a certain time frame. I asked him. I waited his answer, but since the pain stopped, I assumed he was pleased.

Alright, He sounded unsure but let me proceed.

All of them? Including Hank and Scott?

Hmmmm, yes. They could interfere. 

Fine. I looked up at all of them. "Venom?" Steve asked, worriedly. "Nope, still me." I rushed at all of them. I was able to get Nat and Hank in a few seconds, mainly because they were stunned. Scott shrunk and I could sense him rushing at me, I had to move quick. If Captain America and Ant Man worked together, I was done for.

"Peter what are you doing? We're here to help. "Steve asked as he dodged my advances.

"I'm trying to protect you!" He faltered giving me my window, I was able to take him down but not without consequence. How long does this last? I asked worriedly. I don't want them to wake up and have the whole conversation over again.

I don't know how long they'll stay unconscious so we've got to MOVE! I dodged left, barely missing a hit from Scott. That's one of the things I liked about Venom, most of the time he was quicker than my Spidey sense. Scott appeared behind me. "How are you protecting us Peter? Venom is manipulating you, fight him!" Scott wasn't afraid to hit me and even with my abilities, his shrinking was an issue.

"Venom wants to kill you because I told you something I shouldn't have. This is the only other option." I explained. He shrunk and came at me. I brought my hands together, as hard as I could. Now this may seem like nothing to you, but to him, it was super sonic. He grew and collapsed. Spending so much time with him I learned how the Ant Man suit worked, I took his helmet off and punched him. Seems like overkill.

It needed to be done. Carefully, I slipped the helmet back on his head to hide his identity. I take care of my friends. I ran upstairs, grabbed my suit and web pellets, and swung away from the house. Time to disappear.

Natasha's POV

As soon a I was sure Peter had left, I got off the ground. Some things I learned in the KGB included how to cure different types of amnesia, and how to make yourself immune against them. I press a pressure point on their necks. "Peter!" Steve jumped up and looked around.

"He's gone, left a little bit ago." I patted his shoulder. I can't believe he tried to erase my memory.

"He wanted us to forget, why?" Hank asked.

"We knew too much. Peter had to make a choice, kill us or erase our memories." Ant-Man said.

"May I?" He asked Hank, gesturing to the helmet. When he nodded, the man Ant-Man pressed a button and the helmet popped open.

"Hi, my name is Scott." Something's wrong if he just revealed his secret identity. He must have noticed my confusion because he started to get scared. "Peter is in danger, I was going to tell him but then you people showed up."

"Tell him what?" I asked.

"Loki is looking for him, and he wants revenge." I scowled at the name, Loki took my best friend and turned him against us. "Then let's go save him." Steve said walking out.  

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