They're back

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Peter's POV

"Peter, you should leave. They'll be back." Hank searched the areas Natasha had been. "Aha! I knew it, she put a microphone on this vase." He pulled the tiny listening device off the vase. "Which means that the camera is...there we go! All of them are deactivated and collected." In the palm of his hand, Hank held 3 cameras and 3 microphones.

"It was always S.H.I.E.L.D. protocol to leave a minimum of 6 spy devices. They haven't changed the rules much since I left. I'll send the ants to look for more, just in case." He grabbed an earpiece and walked away.

After a while he came back with Scott. "No more surveillance devices, but Black Widow and Captain America are watching the house. You'll have to wait to leave." Scott sighed.

I went up to a window facing the street. From there, I could see Cap but not Widow. Where did she go? I tried using my super hearing to listen for her, but all I could hear was Steve saying, "If you're in there, you can hear this. Come back Spidey, we need you on the team. I'm sorry Tony wanted to use you as a test subject but you shouldn't hold that against all of us." I quickly moved away from the window. That's why he wanted to lock me in the tower?! To use me as a lab rat? I'm definitely not going back now. Steve seemed to realize his mistake. "Damn, probably shouldn't have mentioned that. Natasha, how are we doing?" Steve asked.

"I'm looking everywhere I can, but there's no sign of him." She replied. Cap swore under his breath.

"Could he be in the vents or maybe swinging around?" Crap. If they suspect I'm here, they'll definitely try and flush me out. I located where Natasha was, on the East side of the house, next to my room's window. Good. She's on the other side of the house. I double checked my surroundings before making my way to the basement, there were no windows down there big enough for her to see me. A shadow passed the window and, instinctively, I hid.

They're back? I was so happy here, I'm going to kill them for this. Is Tony here? I hope he's here.

Why are you here? Please leave me alone. I found a dark corner to crouch in and covered my ears like a child. I knew it wasn't going to make a difference, but it made me feel better.

Come on. Admit it, you missed me. (A/N who got that reference?)

No! Leave me alone, don't hurt Hank or Hope or Scott.

Of course not! They're like family to us. They're safe, the Avengers are not. After long moments of silence, I fell asleep like that, curled in a corner, hands on my head.

Steve's POV

I sent Natasha to get a search warrant from S.H.I.E.L.D. I couldn't believe they didn't let us search their place. I'm very trustworthy and Natasha... yeah I see their point. I sighed. When she came back we knocked on the door to the mansion once more. "We're back, and with a search warrant." Natasha thrust the paper into Hank's chest.

"Now to see what's in that room." I said.

"Sure." Hank replied. Sure? That's it? Huh. He led us down into the basement and to the safe. He opened it up and gestured to the one thing in there. "See? It's just an old motorcycle suit, nothing to see here!" He pushed us out and started walking us back upstairs. I was starting to accept Peter wasn't here when I saw what looked like a body in the corner.

"What's that? It kind of looks like.... Peter!" I ran over to the kid on the floor. Please be ok. Please be ok. Please be ok. Please be ok. Please b-

His breathing was normal and he had a quick, but normal pulse. "What did you do to him? Why is he down here like this?" Natasha demanded.

I slowly walked towards Hank with Peter in my arms, my anger coming back. This kid is worth the trouble, cause when I get angry- My thoughts were interrupted by a man in that motorcycle suit from earlier. "Where did you come from?" I asked, slowly calming down.

"I was always here, you just never saw me. Back away from Hank until you calm down, Captain."

Took a deep breath. "Alright, I'm calm. Now, who are you and what did you do with Peter?"

"I'm Ant-Man and we didn't do anything to Peter, he's like family to us.He probably fell asleep there after his training, we do push him to his limits." He chuckled.

Peter stirred and groaned. "What's going on?"

Peter's POV

I started to wake up to see Cap holding me and Scott standing protectively in front of Hank, I groaned. How long have I been asleep? I remembered Venom talking to me while I was asleep, he explained so much about us. Like, how he appears only when I feel threatened, or how he taps into my primal instincts that use to be. Buried under years of evolution and technology. He is the perfect specimen and he chose to stay with me because of my enhancements. I was his host. The spider that bit me was apart of a secret weapons project that was supposed to make the subject better than the average human. The spider would give you immense power, but then it would also drop in Venom. He was there to provide the scientists control over the host, but when they tested him, it didn't go quite as planned. Instead of controlling the subject, he worked with them. They said he was defective and scrapped the project, destroying every trace of him.

Except for the spider. There were still traces of him in the spider and when it bit me, he was implanted into my system where he was able to grow and help me. He could've left but he decided against it. Eventually, we bonded and he couldn't leave me without permanently damaging something, at least not without major help. Dr. Strange was able to suppress him but he learned, and now he's here. It maked me feel like Bruce, if I'm feel threatened, Venom is there.

I snapped back to reality. "What's going on?" I ask in a raspy voice. I could see Natasha in the darkness, arms crossed and a look of murder on her face. Without thinking, I jumped out of Cap's arms and snatched her gun. "No maiming today!"

She was surprised. "I swear I wasn't going to kill anyone, you didn't have to steal my gun." She smiled and hugged me. "You stole my gun! I'm impressed! Not many try, and even fewer succeed. You're braver than I thought. Now, let's go home." She started to pull me towards the stairs but I resisted.

"No, these people are my home. If anything, I'll stay here when I'm not at my aunt's, but I'm not going back with you."  


I worked on this for quite some time but I haven't been able to upload it until now. I'm at Disney, again. This will give me time to upload my other stories to but other than that, I've got nothing. So see ya later alligators.

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