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Peter's POV

"Onwards Beast, to Avengers Tower!" Loki yelled. Wow, does this guy want all of New York to know we're coming? I thought. What does he want me to do anyway? Kill the Avengers? Venom would have no problem with that but I would. Despite my doubts, we kept on swinging.

"SPIDER-MAN'S A MENACE TO SOCIETY! HE NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED FOR HIS CRIMES! WE HAVE REPORTS THAT HE ATTACKED A YOUNG WOMAN IN AN ALLEYWAY A FEW HOURS AGO!" J. Jonah yelled from the big screen. Oh, give it a rest would ya?! I thought, angrily. As the Tower came into view, Venom became more restless.


You know, this could be my chance to kill Stark. He whispered to me. 

Give it a rest, we're not killing anyone. I thought back. 

Unless Loki wants us to... He pointed out. We landed on the balcony atop the humongous tower. Venom calmed down so there were no writhing tendrils everywhere.

He called out in my voice, "Hey guys! I'm back..." The first one to run out was Steve, then Clint and finally Natasha. Great, they're back. I thought.

The happy looks on their faces soon were replaced with ones of fear once they saw Loki. "Cap, he has the scepter." Clint whispered to Steve.

"Is he controlling you?" Steve asked me. Venom hissed in reply, I knew he was ready to attack.

Remember, Steve is a good guy and it doesn't look like Tony's here. Just, don't hurt them too badly. I knew asking Venom to not hurt them AT ALL was too much to ask but it was worth a shot. "Now, now Venom, is that any way to treat your friends? Avengers, if you want Spider-Man back, you'll have to give me something in return." Loki said from his Asgardian speeder. 

"Oh, yeah? Like what?" Cap said.

"Like New York." Loki replied immediately.

"Or we could just take him back." Natasha challenged. She and Clint ran at us.

Loki smiled. "Go monster." He ordered. Venom charged forward, straight into Hawkeye.

Venom grabbed his quiver and threw it over the side of the Tower. He changed his fingers into claws and tried to scratch his face. He was an inch away from Clint's eye before Natasha tackled us. Ow, tell her to take it easy. I may not be in control but I can still feel everything that's happening. 

Venom slowly stood up. Nat was ready to advance when he said, "Peter says to take it easy...." She faltered, which gave him the perfect opportunity to attack. As soon as Venom moved forward, something hit us in the head. "Ow! What the hell was that?! Wait, I'm free." I yelled, triumphantly. 

The thing that hit was Steve's shield. Cognitive recalibration, I remember Nat telling me about that. I thought. I felt really happy, for about 3 seconds. Then came the rude awakening.

I'm still here Peter, and I'm not letting go. "Here's Venom." He finished.

Fuck you Venom. I cussed. "Hawkeye! Take down Loki, Widow and I got Venom." Captain ordered. 

Hawkeye nodded and pulled out a spare quiver. Where does he get those things? I thought as he started shooting at Loki. "Alright Venom, let Peter go and no one gets hurt." Natasha came to play.

"Oh, but I'm the one who's going to hurt you," Venom shot black goo at Widow's feet, gluing her to the ground. One down, two to go. He thought.

Rogers went for his shield, dodging all the black webs. He snatched a large, stray arrow on the ground and hit his shield with it. The sound was extremely loud, not to mention the vibrations were amplified. It wasn't called Vibranium for nothing.

Venom slowly started to lose control, but he managed to grab the shield and throw it. He threw it so hard, I thought it was going to fall off the building. Instead, Natasha freed herself from the ooze, caught the shield and hit it with one of her batons.

He peeled off me even more. Nat hit the shield with the baton one more time and that did the trick. Venom retreated and I fell to my knees, at least I was still wearing my suit. When I looked up, she and Steve looked at me expectantly.

"I gotta run, have to keep moving." I muttered to myself. I tried to stand but stumbled. Clint had rejoined the group, they all looked as if they wanted to help but didn't know what to do. "I'm ok guys, I'll heal. I always do, but I'm not coming back.

"You guys don't seem to trust me and it's obvious I can't exactly be myself." I gestured to the destruction on the balcony. Cap stepped forward but I stepped back.

"Peter, I know you have no reason to trust us, especially after Tony's outburst." I interrupted him.

"Outburst?! He tried to lock us up!" I realized my voice was getting deeper. Venom was pooling at my feet, I took a deep breath. 

"All I'm asking is for you to come back, give this another shot." Cap finished.

"Outburst?! He tried to lock us up!" I realized my voice was getting deeper. Black was pooling at my feet, I took a deep breath.

"All I'm asking is for you to give this another shot." Cap finished.

He looked so hopeful, like he actually wanted a monster on his team. "I'm a danger to you all, do you really want this on your team?" I let Venom take my left arm so that it looked lethal.

Clint spoke up, "If we can handle the Hulk, we can sure as hell handle you kid. Listen to the Capsicle, come back with us. Iit'd be fun to spar with you." He joked.

Natasha punched his shoulder. She walked up to me and whispered. "I could use another arachnid on the team." She smiled. This was the closest I had to family other than Aunt May. Aunt May, oh god she must be worried sick! I haven't seen or spoken to her in days. I thought. "Peter what's wrong? You look a little pale." Natasha asked.

"I have to go, but I will rejoin the team. See you later guys." I turned and jumped off the building.

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