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About 2 years ago-

"GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS HOUSE!! GOD DOESN'T WANT YOU!! TAKE YOUR SHIT AND YOU BETTER BE GONE BEFORE I GET BACK!!" my mother screaming at the top of her lungs, slamming the door as she left.

9 months ago-

"Honey, I can't do this anymore; with all the bills. You are going to need to get a job or leave. You have a roof over your head, food in your stomach when you actually eat it." My grandmother sighed.

"It's time you start contributing." my grandfather spat.

6 months ago-

"That's it. We gave you time and you just sat there moping. It's time to go." My grandfather looked angry and betrayed. "20 minutes and I'm calling the cops."

I began to pack my bags with tears welling in my eyes. I keep them open and they burn. I need two things in the bathroom before I go.

My grandmother sneaks $50 in my pocket as she hugs me.

Then I'm alone with nothing but the world.


Is this it? Is this what I've been waiting for?

These streets have my foot prints worn into them. Fat with the footprints of thousands and yet desolate to the extent of word.

I understand what I need to do.

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