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I was dressed in all white in front of hundreds of people. A pot of holy water sat on a podium.

The priests words faded in, "...and now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." The man preached.

And my head was submerged into the water.

I gasped for breath but his hand wouldn't let me up.

I could hear him begin to speak again. "You see here, the devil has him. He has committed blaspheme. I am only doing as God's will perceives. I am commencing the cleansing."


Warm strong hands were holding my shoulders down, shaking me.

"Frank. Wake up."

"Gerard?" I opened my eyes and he was on top of me, pinning me to the bed.

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

"You were screaming and thrashing. What is happening with you?" Gerard let go and sat with me.

"Nothing, it was just a bad dream." I brushed it off.

"Excuse me for my language but bullshit. This is the second night in a row and you are going to talk to me." Gerard looked seriously concerned.

Can I trust him? Will he tell his parents? What if they kick me out? I don't know if my liver can handle another round of pills...

He saw my facial expression drop, tears began forming in the corners of my eyes.

"You can tell me anything Frank, you know I'm here for you."

I wanted to tell him because I did trust him but what if he doesn't look at me the same.

"It was about the baptism."

His face softened, "Do you need more time? I can ask them to push it back another week; would that make you more comfortable?"

"Yes, please." I threw my arms around him and squeezed tight.

"But we are going to church tomorrow, I promised Dad."


I realized what it may look like and I quickly let go.

"What's on the agenda for today?"

"I'm going to get you caught up for your classes. Mom offered to do it with you, but I wanted to spend more time with you." Gerard smiled. "Just cereal today, mom went in to work early."

"Ooh, what kind do you have?" I asked excitedly.

"Generic Froot Loops: Gourmet Fruit Hoops. You have to get your laundry from the basement if you want clothes today." He started walking out of the room. "Wait, catch."

I held my hands out and he tossed a chain with a cross on it.

He had it engraved.
'Gerard, Michael, Donna, Donald & Frank'. I'm part of the family.

I put it around my neck and walked down to the laundry room, grabbed my clothes, and went back up to my room.

I picked out the striped sweatshirt and basic jeans.

The house was empty except for us. I walked out to the kitchen and the milk and cereal were already set out on the counter.

Followed by a thick stack of papers...

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