Chapter 4

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As I parked my car on the side of the street, I pulled my phone out and saw a text from my best friend Matrix.

Matrix and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. He even saved my life once or twice from my own stupidity. When my mother passed away he was there with me and Niklaus every step of the way. My father wanted no part in helping with her funeral arrangements so Matrix stepped up.

Hey Laynie. How are you doing today? I have only one day of police academy left and i'll be back home. I'll talk to ya soon. Love ya miss ya!

I smiled as I read his text and replied quickly.

Hey Matrix! I can't wait until you get back home. I miss you. Theres so much I need to talk to you about it isnt even funny. Ill see you soon. Love ya!

As I was waiting foe my text to send I was thinking about Kai and how his eyes reminded me of my dream so much I started to shake. I was lost in thought so badly I didnt notice Niklaus standing outside my window.

"Niklaus! God you scare the crap out of me!" I practically yell as I open my door and get out.

"I scared you? Oh really now..." He crosses his arms and gives me a look.

"What?" I give him a confused look and start to walk up the driveway.

"You just left Laynie. You didnt tell me where you were going or when you were coming back. You cant do that. I cant lose you too..."

I stopped walking and turned around. "Your not going to lose me Niklaus." I hug him tightly, "I promise you. Ok?"

He sighed and looked at me, "Alright. Lets get inside before it gets to cold tonight."

Im about to follow Niklaus inside the house, when something catches my eye from my window. I stand there trying to make out what it is im seeing exactly when it disappears as quickly as it was seen.

"Laynie? Are you coming?" Niklaus asks me.

"What? Oh yeah. Sorry." I walk into the house amd go up to my bedroom hoping what I saw was there still.

I open my door and step inside. I look around and see nothing. I am about to lay down on my bed when I hear pounding on my door.

"LAYNIE JEAN! YOU OPEN UP THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" It was my father. He was drunk. Again.

I sighed and stood up but did not open my door.

"Your drunk again father. Im not opening my door when you are not in control of yourself. I have told you that before and I will continue to tell you that."

He kept banging his fist on the door. If he kept that up he would surely bust down my door. "IM GIVING YOU UNTIL THE COUNT OF 5 TO OPEN UP. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5."

As he was counting i quickly opened up my window and climbed out onto the roof and hid out of view. I heard wood splintering and cracking as he busted down my door.


I stayed quiet and dares not to move.


I heard him walking towards the window and saw him poke his head out. He turned his head sideways and looked up and down.

After about a minute of this, he finally gave up. I exhaled, out of relief, too soon though because he immediately turned his head in my direction.

"There you are." He started to climb out the window as I started to crawl towards the edge.

As he finally got out of the window, I had leaped down onto the ground. He soon followed and startes to chase me into the woods behind our house.

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