Move Bitch

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Flare Davidson

Flare pov
"Baby have you seen my lipstick with the sparkly stuff on it" I asked my girlfriend Jemalee. Yeah we're lesbians so what. It shouldn't matter what gender I date as long as I love the person. But whatever, I'm Flare Davidson, 24 years old, and obviously in a relationship with Jemalee. I was currently going to the store then out with Jemalee.
"Yeah babes it's in the cabinet by my vanity" she yelled from the bathroom. I found it and applied some on my lips then puckered them to smooth it out. And I was out once I got to the store, guys inside and outside was trying to holla and what not but I already got my love at home and I don't roll that way so yeah.
As I was walking down the chip aisle someone bumped into me, thinking it was another guy trying to spit game I retaliated. "Move bitch" I yelled at the person. But immediately felt bad cause it was only a little girl who looked about 5 or 6. I covered my mouth and apologized. She just looked at me with her pretty hazel eyes. "Where are your par-" I began to say as an all too familiar voice cut me off.
"Little girl what did I tell you about wondering your ass around" Sanaa said clearly upset. The little girl put her head down sadly. I looked closely at the lady and notice it was Sanaa Livingston. "Longgg time no see naa" I said emphasizing the long and calling her by the nickname I had given her. She turned around and looked surprised then wrapped her arms around me. I returned the jester and laughed.
"So what's been up with you Flare" she asked while we walked down the aisle. I ain't even know where I was going , I was just following her. "Same shit different toilet, oh and I got a new girlfriend. She a real keeper what about you" I replied. "After I moved you know I had Aalei here as of right now in seeing someone but we have no titles" she said. I nodded then this guy came over and wrapped his arms her waist. I took that this was the guy she was talking about.
" You ready " the guy said in a sexy voice, if I wasn't gay I would certainly hop on his train. Shiiit. Sanaa nodded then we switched numbers and parted ways.

Deandre pov
I was at this store with Sanaa and Aalei to get some shit when I seen her talking to this girl I be seeing at the strip club. Why Sanaa talking to her the broad is gay though.
After we got done there we dropped th bags off at my house. She gonna start staying at my place since she told me about that Nazay situation and I told her about the Don thing. Shut seem fishy so I got to look into it. We were on our way to the park since Aalei was pestering us about it.
Me and Sanaa were holding hands walking on the trail around the park. While Aalei was at the playground. The train and the playground are very close so we can keep a close on her.
" guys are such a cute couple...I hope to be in a relationship like you guys" this girl who looked to be in her teen years squealed coming in front of us. I looked at her weirdly but didn't think anything of it since it was just a kid. "Oh were no-" Sanaa started to say but I cut her off. "Yeah we are aren't we, you just got to take your time and nit rush into things and see if you really like the person" I said looking at Sanaa. Shut I might as well make it known I have some type of feelings for her cause I don't want her with no other nigga. The girl nodded and walked off somewhere. We turned around to go get Aalei but didn't see her where we left her. We figured she was just on the slide and walked over there.
We looked all through the play set but didn't see her. But we did see her plush Ballerina doll laying on the floor with a note that read:

Dear bitches, should have been watching this pretty little girl to bad you guys were to busy chatting with a friend of mine....toodles.

By the end of the letter Sanaa was hysterical. She was on her knees bawling her eyes out. I folded the paper and put it in my pocket so I can have Keith scan the writing later. I helped Sanaa up and carried her to the car while she cried. Shit I wanted to cry a little to I grew attached to Aalei. But I had to be strong for Sanaa.
I dropped her off at my mom's. Where I knew she would be safe instead of at my place cause I don't want her to hurt her self over this. I burned rubber all the way to the main trap where all our fancy machines are located. I walked up to the secret door and did the special knock then the dial pad appeared, so I punched in the pin. The door slided to the side. I walked in and dapper up the guards Dee and Doe. I then proceeded to the back where I knew Keith would be at. Just as I thought he was there in The lounge smoking a roach. When I cane in he smiled and offered. I agreed and we were just passing it back and forth. After a while I declined so could tell him about what happened today.
After I explained it to him he was willing to help.
"So first we need to find out all we can about these people".

Nazay pov
"Turn here... right by that park" I directed Don. "Bitch are you sure. I sighed and nodded. Once we pulled up I instantly spotted Aalei and Sanaa because their big curly hair and cause they like to match. And there also with Ghost I said in my head with a scowl on my face. See I was having second thoughts about what I'm about to do but know I honestly don't give two flying fucks.
I hopped out the car and tried to figure out how am I going to go about. Then I teenager walked past talking about how she ain't have enough money for the mall. And like a light bulb appeared in my head. I can bribe her. I caught up to her and told my proposition. She instantly agreed when she heard the amount of money.
While she was doing her job I took Aalei. I told her I was getting her ice cream and she willingly hopped in the car. I am her godmother so yeah. And since I didn't force her in it wasn't suspicious. We sped off until we got to the "house".
We grabbed her and put her in the room. "Hey baby I'm your daddy" Don said coming close to Aalei. "You not my daddy dewandre is" Aalei spat.


I felt Really bad cause I do care about her. As soon as that thought came it left. Her mom hurt me so imma hurt her through her daughter. I swear I heard a crack when he smacked her. Poor little girl probably got whiplash. She bust out crying, screaming, and kicking. Din
Don did this weird thing to her next thing I know baby girl was out. He tied her up with heavy weight chains so she couldn't get up and he left. And I'm in charge of watching her.

Damon he slapped her that hard but




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