Chapter 3 Lord Aphmau

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Garroth's POV

I ran to the plaza to face my brother. As I reached it I was face to face with his guards.

"Let me through" I growled

"Why should we?" one of the guards said. "You don't even have authority

Aphmau ran up behind me.

"Garroth what's wrong?" she whispered to me.

"They won't let me through because I don't have authority" I replied

"Who is this?" the guards asked in unison.

"I'm Lord Aphmau, and you are?"

I was shocked. How she just said that flat out was amazing.

Why did she put herself in danger?

Aphmau's POV

Garroth ran off leaving me in some sort of housing area. A young woman seemed to be struggling to get some luggage in her house.

"Do you need help?" I asked her

"Yeah, my dad packed way too much" she said. "I'm Cadenza by the way. Who are you?"

"I'm Aphmau, it's a pleasure to meet you."

I helped Cadenza take her luggage inside. She offered to make me some new clothes. I kindly accepted since I needed them anyway. After I left Cadenza to do her work, I decided to try and find Garroth. He was headed towards the plaza so I ran in that direction.

*Time Skip because I don't want to write what you've already heard*

Gosh why did I say that?

"If you're a lord, then I suppose you can pass" a guard said

The guards let us go through. I didn't notice this until just now but when I first met Garroth he was wearing a helmet, but now he didn't have it on. Zane stared at me and Garroth.

"Why hello brother" Zane said


Garroth's POV


"Hello Aphmau, are you here to accept my offer?" Zane questioned Aphmau

"I will never marry you!"

Aphmau grabbed my sword out of my hand and slashed it at Zane. He dodged the attack. He grabbed a sword from his belt and attacked Aphmau. She easily blocked his attack. All I could do was watch. Suddenly Aphmau hit Zane in the arm with the sword. Zane's guards came rushing into the plaza. I had to pull Aphmau away from Zane to calm her down.

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