Ryan-The Static Speaks My Name

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Ryan is now surrounded by this nightmarish hell, groans and scraping coming from every corner of this town. If you can even call it a town anymore. He was going to stay calm... He had to. Things like this didn't really scare him anymore. He had played enough games that end up like this but... For it to be real, he wasn't so sure that he could keep himself under control.

He looks towards where he heard the static coming from, and it becomes completely silent, except the loud static coming from a nearby building. The silence is quickly broken as a loud, almost pained groan comes from behind Ryan. Sweat breaks on his forehead as he stops, frozen in complete fear. The steps come closer, and another groan is heard, this time louder. Ryan quickly whips around to see a tall grotesque figure in front of him, it's jaw dislocated from the rest of its body. It almost resembles a zombie, but its arms are bound together in a straight jacket made from its own flesh.

Ryan whimpers, terrified. The thing comes closer, bits of flesh from its feet falling off onto the ground behind him and it somehow opens its mouth farther, spitting green, horrid smelling fluid onto Ryan. Almost instantly it burns through his shirt and his stomach and he cries out in pain, trying to wipe the liquid off of his stomach, but to no avail. It only burns his hands as well. Large boils form on his skin where this green vomit has touched. Ryan backs away quickly, the fluid still eating at his skin, dripping down onto his legs and burning holes in his shoes. All he feels is pain. Pain everywhere as he limps away as fast as he can, whimpering pain as hot tears well in his eyes.

The thing follows slowly, also limping and trying to spit again. Ryan's eyes widen as it opens his mouth yet again, more flesh falling from the rotting gum. He stares into the holes where eyes should be, and clenches his fist tightly. He remembers exactly why he is here.

To save her. To find the truth. Settle the score.

He straightens his posture and jumps out of the way onto the sidewalk grates, losing his footing slightly as pain stings his stomach. Nevertheless, he keeps his balance. A pile of rubble sits next to him as he dodges another vomit from the creature. Ryan quickly grabs a brick from the pile and brings it down against the things head. It lets out a monstrous groan as black blood pours from the wound in its head. Ryan brings the brick down on its head again and again, each time its groan getting quieter, but more pained.

As it lets out its last groan, the monster finally drops to the ground, blood still pouring from its skull. Ryan drops the brick and walks away from the blood before it soaks his shoes. He is so shocked, he never noticed that static ceased from the nearby building. Ryan silently hopes that there are no more of these... Things. Though deep down, he knows that there are way more, roaming this town.

Ryan decides to stop thinking about that for now and press on.

He has no clue where to go to possibly find Cheyanne. The only clue he has to her whereabouts is a white bloodstained rose. She has to be somewhere around here... He sighs, unsure of what to do. As he thinks, the static picks up again from the building, and he finally notices that it had stopped in the first place.

  Ryan steps into the small light of the cloudy moon. The static is quite unsettling, as it is all he can hear but the beat of his own heart. The shock of the previous event still lingers, and his heartbeat is rather fast. He clenches his fist around the rose, not caring about the thorns tearing into his skin. He always liked the thorns of roses... And roses in general. They had always reminded him that no one is perfect. "Every rose has its thorns." Something he always tried to rmember about Cheyanne. She wasn't perfect... But sometimes she was all thorns...

  He shakes his head and looks towards the building in which he hears the static. It is an apartment building, and one window is illuminated. Ryan looks closer and sees the black outlining of a muscular figure, standing there in the window. It picks something up, what seems to be a huge sword. His eyes widen slightly as the figure slightly limps away from the window, seeming to have some kind of skirt on. The most dominate feature about this figure... Is the pyramid shaped head.

  The creature turns to face the window, and Ryan swears it's looking right at him, though he isn't even sure this thing has eyes. It turns and walks way from the window, and at the same moment, the static ceases.

   On the ground lays a key, shining in the silver moonlight. In its intricate pattern, the words Wood Side Apartments is engraved into the side rather sloppily. Picking it up and turning it over in his hand, a large moan comes from the end of the alleyway. Ryan fumbles and drops the key, but quickly retrieves it, unlocking the huge iron gates. The familiar footseteps draw closer and he slips through the gates. They squeak loudly and Ryan notices that they have not been used in a long time. Just as the creauture steps into the moonlight, Ryan shuts the gates, hoping it can't get through somehow.

  He sighs with relief. Tgough eho's to say it's any better in the apartments? Ryan heads up the steps to the door, while the creature bangs on the latched iron gates with its fleshy torso... Just as the faint scraping stops... And a loud bang is heard from inside the apartments, static kicking up once again.

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