Chapter 7

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"So..." Patrick said staring at the map on the floor. The light of the fire and various candles around the room bounced on his skin, giving his usually pale skin a warm glow. I knew everything looked better under candle light, but I didn't think that Patrick could look any more beautiful and flawless.

"Pete. Pete. Pete!" I was pulled out of my thought of Patrick, by Patrick.


"You didn't hear a word I just said."

"Yeah I did..." I lied.

"Mhm. What did I say?"

"We are going... that way..."

"Which way?"

"South..." I answered vaguely, getting a groan from Patrick in response.

"I said that we should go to Dallas first, since its closest, and if that doesn't work, then Houston. If Houston is empty, then we will figure something out from there." Patrick explained.

"Dude. That's what I just said." I joked, but looking completely serious. Patrick got up to tackle me.

"Ssshhhh. Bronx is sleeping." I reminded him and pointed to a bed with a little human in it.

"Oh right..." He said sitting back down, but proceeding to tackle me anyways and sitting on top of me.

"Get off." I said, not really putting up much of a fight.

"No. I think I like sitting here."

"You like sitting on my dick? Well that's something I can get use to." I said with a wink.

"Yeah. Me too." He said rotating his hips and grinding his ass into my crotch. I bit my lip holding back a moan.

"There is a small child in this room. I will not be apart of this with my son asleep on the bed."

"You're right..." Patrick said, getting off of me and laying next to me.

"Don't you have any morals?"

"Not with you."

"I can tell."




"Do you ever wonder what the point of going on is? Like what's the point of this life if there is nothing left to enjoy?"

"Well... I go on for Bronx because I can't give up on him. I want him to have a chance to live. He's the only reason I'm still here."

"I guess that was a stupid question." Patrick said laughing staring at the ceiling.

"No. You just asked a person that has an answer you weren't looking for."

"Yeah..." He said softly.

"Why have you kept going?"

"I've just never had the guts to give up. Its always been in the back of my mind since my parents died, but I just can't go through with it. That little voice in my head always said 'What if' and I just couldn't bring myself to give up."

"Maybe because something important was right around the corner." I said.

"Yeah. You and Bronx. I know we just met, but at least I'm not alone anymore. You don't know what its like waking up every morning feeling like the last person on Earth. Not seeing anyone for months straight, you literally start talking to the wall just to hear a voice, even if it is your own. I didn't want to forget what I sounded like. There's only so many books your can read, stories you can write, songs you can sing, and pictures you can go through before it all becomes the same. I thought I was pushing insanity. I would sit there and play with the ash because I was so bored, and talk to myself because I was so lonely. I would lie in bed at night missing my family so much that it would ache. At least now I feel like I have a place. Even if its just a small one."

I rolled over on my side to look at him and saw a tear roll down his cheek. Using my knuckle of my index finger, I wiped the tear off his face. He looked back at me and I looked into his eyes. They remind me of he color the sky use to be. That bright blue color that you only see on books and pictures now.

"You always have a place with me, and that place is larger than you think." I told him. "You're too pretty to be alone for so long. I wish we found you sooner." I said as he smiled.

"Me too." He said snuggling into my side and his head on my chest

"Let's go to sleep. We have an early start tomorrow." I said as I grabbed a thick blanket and covered us up.

* * *

The next morning we woke up to the cold of the morning and the dim light shining through the window. The coldness crept into my bones as I awoke and noticed a softly snoring Patrick still on my chest.

"Cute." I said to myself." Come one Patrick. Its time to wake up. We gotta go to Dallas." I said shaking him softly.

"Mhm. Okay..." Patrick said as he sat up.

"I'm going to wake up Bronx, then we have to go." I told him softly, holding him as he woke up.

"Okay. I'll get the stuff moved to the car." He said sounding half dead as he stood up and started moving bags to the car.

I walked over to where Bronx was asleep on the couch.

"Wake up Little Man. Its time to.go."

"Its time to go?!" He shot up. "Yes! Road trip! Let's go!" He was practically bouncing off the walls. Okay, let's help Patrick with the bags.

One by one, we moved the bags of food and water and personal items to the trunk of the car.

I thought Bronx how to buckle in and I climbed into the passenger seat as Patrick climbed into the drivers seat.

"Are we ready? Patrick asked as he started the car.

"Ready as we'll ever be." I said.

And with that, we rolled out the drive way for the unexpected.

To be honest guys, I really miss writing historical fan fiction, so I think once this is over, I might write another history based one because A War Fought on Two Fronts was the shit and I loved it and I already have ideas for another story idea set in a different time period.


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