Chapter 15

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"Daddy." Bronx poked my cheek in an effort to keep me awake.

"Hmmm?" I asked, opening my eyes to see a small child leaning over the seat.

"I need foooood."

"Mhm. Okay just a second." I mumbled. I slowly leaned up and stretched my arms. I'll have to go outside and get into the trunk of the car to get breakfast. Fuck. Me. Looking over to Patrick, I saw him shivering in his sleep.

"Bronx. Can you hand me a blanket?" I asked him.

"Here you go." He handed me the blanket and I layer it over Patrick and made sure to tuck it slightly around him so it was hugging his body. He's so perfect. Now for food. I stepped out and closed the door of the car as quickly as I could to let in as little frozen air as possible. I felt like I was going to freeze in place as I walked to the trunk. Opening it, I noticed that we are almost out. I got out enough for Bronx and Patrick and the smallest can in there for me. I ran back into the car and slammed the door.

"Good morning Pete." Patrick said in a sleep voice with a smile on his face, still laying down under the blanket.

"Hey, babe." I smiled leaning over to kiss him.

I heard a gasp in the middle of our kiss. We pulled apart instantly.

"I knew you two loved each other!!" Bronx said bouncing up and down in the back seat bundled in blankets.

"I know. You told me so." I see sighed in defeat.

"I've never had two dads before... What do I call him?" Bronx said.

"Just continue to call me Patrick." Patrick said smiling.

"Okay!" Bronx said. "So... Where's my food." He asked.

"Here ya go." I said handing him his breakfast, then the next to Patrick.

I ate my small can of cold soup, and finished before everyone else. However, this only caught Patrick's attention.

"Pete... Why didn't you eat a lot?" He asked.

"I dunno. I'm just not that hungry this morning." I told him, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I have him a smile.

"Good. Well, if we leave now, we should get to Dallas by tonight. But emphasis on should." He said as he drank the rest of the soup from his can.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's get going." I said.

"Alrighty." He said putting the keys in ignition and started the car. The music from the CD began playing throughout the car.

"And Patrick?" I asked leaning in closely.

"Yeah?" He asked leaning in as well.

"Sing to me?" I kissed him slowly.

He pulled away. "Of course." Patrick said as he leaned his forehead against mine. I kissed him again.

"Okay. Let's go. We can't sit here all day."

He began to drive. He began to sing. His voice could bring me to tears if he wanted to, and it always reminded me of the good things in the world that are left, and the good things in the world before everything went wrong.

Not much was said for hours. Only Patrick singing a few songs, holding hands, the exchange of small glances and smiles, and Bronx asking random questions every now and again. For the first time in a year, I feel whole again. Like a part of me isn't missing and I can finally allow myself to be happy again. It's a nice feeling.

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