Chapter 12

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We didn't actually leave the abandoned house until late night or really early morning because Pete and I didn't feel like moving when we sat down to look at my stomach where he hit me. He felt bad about the bruises on my stomach, so he stayed and pressed snow to my stomach to ease the swelling. It was cold as fuck, but it was sweet of him and I feel a lot better. Physically.

We drove through the night until the next morning. I listened to Pete's soft snoring and I would occasionally take a glance at him to look at something other than the road. Pete is a lot better to look at than the road anyways. Getting taken, turning back for Pete and Bronx, and having to drive at a safe speed down the icy roads has put us back several days on this trip, and it's time that we can't afford to lose honestly, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I can't really complain. All I can do is try to get us there as fast as possible without slipping on the road and getting us killed. That would be very anti-productive. I check the time on the dash and the clock reads 6:42 a.m. The sun should be rising now or soon behind the clouds and the ash.

Driving, I pass a sign signaling to me that we are almost to St. Louis. Can someone explain to me how a drive that use to take five hours now takes us three days? Whatever.

"Pete." I say tapping his knee. He doesn't wake. "Peeeeetttteeee." I say softy again, this time pushing at his knee a little.

"Hm?" He said with eyes still shut

"We are almost to St. Louis... Do you want to stop?" I ask him.

"Why would we stop?" He said in a muffled tired voice. "It's so warm in here, and so cold out there." His voice getting deeper as more husky as he talks. God, is tired voice is sexy beyond belief.

"I dunno. To see the sights. Now that there's nobody here, there's no lines to go and see the arch and stuff like that. I've only ever driven through here once."

"Fine..." He says finally opening his eyes. He looks at me and gives me a smile. "Seeing you the first thing I wake up makes me really happy. You're so beautiful." Pete said, still smiling.

"Oh stop it." I said blushing and looking back at the road.

"I mean it." He said, putting his hand on my knee for a moment. "You're pretty great to look at." He said before removing his hand to wake up Bronx. "Come on buddy, time to wake up. Patrick wants to stop and look at big pieces of metal."

"Noooooo. I'm sleeping." Bronx sighs as he pulls the blanket over him and rolls into a ball.

"Come one Little Man, you can sleep some more later. You sleep more than anybody I've ever met, I think you're good on sleep right now anyways." Pete said poking him.

"There is no such thing as too much sleep. I will sleep as long as the world lets me." Bronx said from under the blanket.

"No. You will sleep as long as I let you. Wake up!!" Pete said snatching the blanket from Bronx and laughing.

"I can't handle this. Happiness never wanted me I guess." Bronx said.

"You're six. You're too young to be this dramatic." I joked.

"You're too old to be.... You're just too old to be." Bronx said in his defense.

"Haha. Whatever you said kid." I said as I laughed. He's something else.

As we drove, St. Louis slowly became visible in the distance. The Gateway Arch stood tall above the rest of the city. What use to serve as a symbol of Westward American expansion, now stands for what humanity use to be, and shows the former glory of our civilization this is long lost. Ironic isn't it? A symbol for hopes and dreams of a better life somewhere else, now only shows what is long lost. However, the original meaning isn't totally lost. We are traveling for a better life elsewhere. Still pretty fucking depressing though.

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