Chapter 13

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Panic began to set in as Patrick's eyes grew wide. I turned back and ran for the gift shop to find it empty, then down the hallways of the building, not finding a trace of Bronx. When I ran back to the lobby, Patrick was no where to be seen.

"Fucking shit Patrick. If you don't show up after I find Bronx, I'm going to fold you like a lawn chair." I said out loud. But I have more important things to worry about than Patrick hiding. He's probably looking for Bronx.

"Bronx!!" I yelled as I ran outside.

"Don't move." I heard an unfamiliar voice command from behind me, then the clicking of a gun. Needless to say, I froze in place. "Good. Now turn around." Again, I did as he said only to see some tan skinned guy with a stupid Hitler Youth hair cut, and a gun pointed at me, while holding on to Bronx. This dude is no older than 20. Why are all these young people attacking me?

"Let him go." I said begging.

"I will. As soon as you give me the keys to your car."

"You see, I would totally give you the keys... If I had them."

"I know you have them. Don't be a fucking liar."

"I really don't! My friend has them and if he knows you're here, he's probably half way out of the city right now. He runs from everything."

"Well either you need to bring him back here, or you need to find better friends."

"Well unfortunately, neither of those can happen because I can't find him, and you're my only option as a replacement friend, but you're holding a gun to my head and holding my son hostage so..."

"Just give me the fucking car keys!" He said shaking the gun in my direction.

"I don't have them! Just give me back my son and let us go!" I begged.

"No! Not until I get those car keys."

"Then we will be here a long time."

"I'm done with this shit, I'll just take them from your body." He lifted the gun back to my face and I heard it click again. Looking at him, I saw the fear in his eyes, and reluctance showed in his unsteady aim. He doesn't know how to hold a gun, or use one. However, that won't stop him from shooting me.

"Last chance." He said.

"Ah go fuck yourself. Your hair is stupid by the way." I told him, and he actually looked hurt.

"Alri-" He was cut off by Patrick kicking him in the back of the knee, causing him fall to his knees, and hitting him in the back of the head with a... A snow globe? Hitler Youth fell to the ground and let loose with the Spanish. I had no idea what he was saying, but in that moment moment of chaos, Bronx ran to me, Patrick stomped on Hispanic Hitler Youth's wrist and stole the gun and ran over to me.

"Fucking shit that hurt!" He said as he recovered.

"Yeah well you get what you give." I told him as I carried Bronx. "It was wonderful meeting you, but we must get now. Why don't you watch as we drive away in the car that my friend here has the keys to." I said pointing at Patrick who then pulled out the car keys. All I got in response was more upset and angry Spanish.

I grabbed Patrick's hand and we walked back to the car together, with Bronx in my other arm. It upsets me that I can carry my six year old son with one arm, when he should be getting in that "Geeze kid, you're getting too heavy to carry like this," stage.

"Are you okay buddy?" I asked Bronx as we walked back to the car.

"Yeah. It was only a little scary. It wasn't as scary as the people who tried to eat you though." He said nuzzled into my neck.

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