Chapter 1

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1 year later

Louis POV

I said nothing would be the same didn't i.Well I can honestly say that for once in my life,I was right.

My parents were gone.I was never seeing my mamas pale freckled face again,or my dad's cheerful smile,that would probably send most women weak at the knees.They were gone.Gone and never coming back.My little sister took it worse than me.Aria just stays up in her bedroom most the time,I have no clue what she is doing up there,but it seems to be important.Harrys sister is no better,Heidi just does the exact same stays secluded from everyone else.The girls won't talk to anyone unless they're in the gang.Me and boys always try and get through to them but they won't have it,they're to caught up in they're own grief.

It's been a year since the accident and we were told that in fact it was no where near an accident, but was planned to the very last detail.The police never caught the others involved.Well it wasn't as if we expected them to,I mean they never caught us.

Maybe this is the point I should clear up some things.You see we're in what you would call a Gang.This gang has been running for a while now,everyone is a part of it except from my baby sister.When we started this I didn't want her apart of it.I never wanted my baby sister in any danger and that isn't going to change now.Me and Harry lead the Gang,but for the last 8 months it's been me in charge.You see instead of sitting down and handling this like a normal person would, harry decided he'd do the exact opposite.The wack-job.Harry went on a rampage after hearing the news and ended putting his fat arse in jail, leaving me with all the work to do and to look after the rest of the idiots.I mean I have two girls who just lost their parents,yeah they're getting better but still struggling a little.Liam who does not stop asking question after question,I swear soon I gonna kick that pretty arse of his so hard his mother could feel it.Then there's Zayn who does not stop going about how much he and his girlfriend are in love,I'm pretty sure that boys going soft.And then the best of them all.The Irish boy,who I'm sure could eat a whole buffet to himself and still asks me if he could eat the rest of my Doritos.

The police have never caught us in the acts we do,it's usually selling weapons, drugs,even though we don't do them only smoke.We also street race for money hence owning and living in our own garage/racetrack.And the worst but usually most rare,killing.The police have never even questioned us,never mind arresting us.That was until Harry decided he wanted to see what it was like.Now we decided that if the police can't do it we will.Im finding out who killed my parents whether it's the last thing I ever do,I swear on that.Now all that we have to do,before we can go on with these plans, is to wait for Harry to get home,and get the okay from him.I swear when he gets out he is defiantly not allowed his gun for the next week.Geez I sound like an over protective father,I really gotta stop playing the father figure here.

"Knock knock knock"

Speaking of harry coming home.....

"GUESS WHOS BACK YOU BUNCH OF UGLY-BITCHES"Ooh I'm glad to have him back.Please note my sarcasm there.Then all I can hear is a Hurd of elephants coming down the stairs.The next thing I know Harry's on the floor with everyone on top of him.I just stand there smiling at the people I like to call my family.

"Oo how I've missed you ugly, curly haired,loveable,idiot!!"zayn screams sounding like he's on the verge of tears.Now this is when I know he's defiantly going soft.

"Omg I missed you,you have have no idea how hard it's been,I've had to eat Louis food,can't you understand my pain"Niall screams as he falls to the floor just the make his point.

"Heyy!!!"yeah as you can tell I wasn't offended at all.

This caused everyone's eyes to direct at me.Including those green ones that I haven't seen for 8 months.My best friend.He's back.

Before I knew it I was pulled into a bro-hug,with my back being tapped,quite hard might it hard.

"How you been man" Was my first words to him.

"I'm perfectly fine Lou Lou," That nickname never did die out."How has my family been?"There was a chorus of 'fines' before we all headed to the living room to catch up on old times.


Aria's POV

He was back.Harry was back.The boy I've missing for the last 8 months of my life.The boy that I can honestly say Im deeply in love with.I know it's bad to say that I love my brothers best friend,but I can't help it.The way his curly brown hair creates a perfect frame around his face or how his perfectly pink lips move whenever he's speaking.Louis hasn't seemed to notice the little things he does like holds my hand or kisses my nose when his back his turned I hate keeping this from him but if he found out I'm  Positively sure Harry's head would be up his arse.And honestly I like it exactly where it is now.

"Ooh so come on, no new cell mates while you were there?"zayn asked.

"No they had to keep me in a cell on my own seeing as I caused to much trouble apparently"Harry's stated chuckling a little as he got to the end.

I swear this boy has no idea what he does to me.

"Sooo,does anyone want a drink?i asked as no one else even thought of the idea.I was then bombarded with a chorus of 'yes pleases'i am positively sure most of these boys are 5 year olds trapped in a mans body.

I made my way through the crowded living room and into the modern black and white kitchen we had.It was black and white there was no other colour to be found.I started pulling out all the glasses, when my small delicate fingers came In touch with the stained coloured glass my mamma always used to use.Memories came flooding back of my parents standing in our giant back yard,with my dad's arms wrapped securely around my mammas waist as they laughed and smiled at each other's stupidness.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as a pair of strong muscular arms wrapped  around my waist.I knew who's they where as the arms came in contact with me.Sending tingles dancing all over my skin,but the biggest give away was the tattoos dotted randomly up and down his arms.

"I missed you so much"Harry whispered in my ear, as I carried on as if he wasn't bothering me.But the truth was, that I think I'm literally about to fall In to a pile of goo.

"I missed you too" I said twisting around in his arms to look at that beautiful face of his.

He started leaning in and me mirroring his actions.I was inches away from those pink,plump lips of his when.....

The doorbell rang.

We both jumped away from each other so quick I'm surprised we both didn't get whiplash I rushed to the door desperate to get away from this awkward situation.

As I opened the door there was a girl standing there,she looked maybe a year or two older than me I could only assume this as I couldn't tell as her head was hung down low, making the bleach blonde waves of her hair shield her face away me form.

Once she notice that I had opened the door,she slowly moved her head upwards letting me see her for the first time.

I gasped,I didn't mean to but i did.Id never seen anything like it.Nearly her whole face was covered in dark red blood,She had a black swollen eye that looked to painful to touch,blue and green bruises covered her jaw looking as if she's been punched more than once in the exact same place.But the worst thing of all the the large gash,that was oozing more and more blood by he second.

"H-h-h-hi"she shivered obviously freezing cold form the temperatures outside,I mean it's like minus degrees and all she was in was jeans and a tank top.

"I'm looking for Louis"just as I was about to answer my brother came form around the door.

"Who's at the do-" his sentence was cut short when he saw the girl standing in front of me I looked between both of them clearly I was missing something vitally important.

"Mackenzie?"my brother asked,his voice wavered as he said the poor girls name.She only replied with three simple words.

"I did it" she said.

Okay now I'm even more confused.

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