Chapter 7

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*Short chapter*

Mack POV

Once Aria left the room the atmosphere was kind of tense.Everyone would not say a word.No one even tried to change the subject.Soon everyone had finished the meal in complete silence.

"Right,I'll just clean up here you guys,go do what ever yeah?"I said as I started to pick up the plates,cutlery and glasses.Everyone nodded and each made their own way to wherever they were to go.

As I put the last plate in the sink I started to fill the sink up with hot bubbling water.Starting to clean the plates,I have a feeling that someone's watching me.I turn around to come face to face with Louis.He looks at me with a genuine smile while his eyes show love and admiration.

"You know you don't have to do this angel"He stated in a low voice whilst pulling me into his arms.

"I know but every little thing helps right?"I asked while pulling my bottom lip in between my teeth.

"How about you leave this here and me and you go upstairs yeah?I seriously have no idea what is wrong with my sister,but if I know one thing it's to never cross an already angry Aria"he said whilst shivering as if he remembered a bad memory.I laughed at his silliness,as he held my gaze with those giant captivating eyes.

"Come on angel,we can watch whatever you like! I miss having our quiet nights in!Come on I need my little spoon"He said in the cutest voice he could muster.

"Fine"I said,I mean what kind of human being can resist that cute pouty face.

As we lay on the bed in our room,I gently pulled my fingers through Louis locks,as he lays his head on my chest gazing up at me.

"You know, I don't think you realise how much I missed you Mack"He said gently whilst cupping my check bringing me down for a soft kiss.

"Hmmm you might have to jog my memory"I said teasingly.

"You know I think I might just do that!"He said whilst pining me down to the bed.He hovered over me making sure not to crush me with his body weight.It all started with meaningless little kisses scattered across my face.That soon turned out into a full on make-out session.

I lay there under Louis as his hands guide through the long blonde hair,not breaking the kiss once until...

"AAAAAHHH!!!! MY EYES THEY BURN!!!!!"I heard Niall scream making me and Louis jump away from each other instantly.

"NIALLL!!!"Louis screamed."You have the worst timing!!"He shouted across the room to Niall.

"I was just wondering if you'd help me pull the knife out the wall.Its really stuck in the there"Niall said with a shy smile.

Ohh that boy.

"Id kill you if you didn't have those innocent blue eyes!"Louis said whilst getting up from the bed to help Niall.


Louis POV

I spent half a fucking hour trying to pry that stupid knife out the wall.No wonder why Niall couldn't do it. Geeez how did she even throw it that far, last week she couldn't even beat Niall in an arm wrestle!

"What are you working up a sweat about now Lou!" Harry chuckled as he entered the room. Are kidding me right now really! Can he not see the very visible hole in the wall.

"Oh um I don't know, why don't you ask the hole in the wall that Aria left there!" I questioned sarcastically

"Wow, that's my girl!" Harry chuckled. As I gave him the most hurt stare I could muster.

"Sorry, I mean that's my boy for getting that knife out!" He corrected himself. Seriously, are either of them going to tell me what's going on or am I going to be forced to play 20 questions.

"Hey babe!,quick come here!"I heard Mack shout as she run down the stairs.Whats happened!?

"Wow,what's going on?What?Are you hur-?!"I asked with panic in my voice as she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Nope.Just your phone ringing"She said with a innocent smile.

"Ohh yeah give me a heart attack because someone rang me,Jesus Christ woman!"I said whilst taking the phone out of her delicate hands.I kissed her forehead as I went into the study to take the call.

I pressed the answer button while bringing the phone to my ear.As the voice sounded on the other end of the line my blood run still and my muscle tensed.

"Aaaahhh why if it isn't Mr.Louis Tomlinson! The co-leader of the Void.I see you and Mr.Styles have made a tremendous effort in making your gang the best it can be."Marcus said making me clench my fist in anger.

"I know what you want Louis.You want revenge my friend.Revenge for your parents death.But I can tell you now seeing there frightened faces as the car came hurdling towards them,was an amazing thing to see.So,if you want revenge,come get it my friend,because I'm only just getting started."He said into the phone with a low dangerous voice,as he hung up before I could say anything back.

I stood there dumbfounded as I replayed his words inside my head.It was him.He did it.He arranged my parents death.He was the one who killed them.

Revenge is defiantly what I want, and it's what I'm gonna get.

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