Chapter 2

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Louis POV

I stared at the girl in front of me,the girl I haven't seen for 2 years.The last time i actually spoke to her was when we were saying goodbye.My girlfriend.Mackenzie Woods.

"What the hell happened to you!"I shouted my anger wasn't directed at her but at the b***ard who did this to her.

Before She could even comprehend what she was about to say, I saw her eyes roll to the back her head and her body go completely limp.Aria jumped back as she fell helplessly into my arms.By this this point I had no idea what to do.

"ARIA!?!!?!?!?!!,don't just bloody stand help me you idiot!"I screamed at my little sister,by this point I think my anger was directed at everyone.

"Put her on the table, HEIDI! Get the the first aid kit!" My sister shouted.

I carried Kenzie to the table as Heidi came running downstairs with the first aid kit, whilst everyone else started to crowd around the broken girl.

"What the fuck happened?" Heidi asked.

"She looks like she been beaten to a pulp" Zayn chirped in, pointing out the obvious.

"Heidi, I need bandages, scissors a cloth, and alcohol"My sister requested acting as if she was the next star on Greys Anatomy, jeez girl!

"Aria, NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE DRINKING!" Niall shrieked.

"It's to clean her wounds, not to get rid of my problems"Aria replied sassily.

"WAIT, you've been drinking!" I bellowed, clearly not noticing her sarcastic tone.

"Not the time!" Everyone answered my genuinely serious question simultaneously.

"I've got everything you asked for, can you all move away the poor girl is gonna suffocate if you come any closer" Heidi returned.

"Harry, take Louis out of the room he can't watch this!" Aria replied but before I could object, I had four bulky buggers dragging me out of the room that I longed desperately to stay in.

"GET THE FUCK OF ME!" It was as if I wasn't even there as they dragged me out of the room.


Heidi's (POV)

I could tell why Aria asked the boys to take Louis out the room, this girl seriously needed some medical attention. I knew me and Aria were good at stitching and patching the boys up after fights but this, this is way out of league.

"Aria, what are we gonna do?" I asked scared of her answer.

"Louis cares about this girl and even though I'm beyond mad that he didn't tell us, we're gonna do whatever we can to save her, he can't go through the pain of losing a loved one again" Aria replied, I loved this girl and her wise words and this is why I considered her my sister from a different mister.

I grabbed the scissors and cut off her top, coming face to face with her busted up ribs and the bruise that proved I was correct.

"Aria, her ribs, their broken" I whispered.

"Clean them up as best you can, we'll have to give her anaesthetic and put the bones bones back in to place and them wrap a bandage around them, there's nothing more we can do for a broken rib" I took her advice and applied the cloth soaked in alcohol, and tried my best to to clean her now delicate ribs.

Louis (POV)

3 hours.3 long painful hours since the boys dragged me out of the room where Mack was passed out.I don't even know whether she's awake again or still passed out while Heidi and Aria stitch her back up.I know exactly who did this to her and the thought has my blood boiling.

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