Chapter 8

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Heidi POV

Me and Dylan where sat in my room,watching some stupid film he said was great.Honestly I'm bored out my mind.

"Can we please turn this off Dyl!!"I whined to him.I swear it's his way or no way.

"No. It's finally getting good! Now shhhh!"He said whilst never taking his eyes off the tv in front of us.

"But-"I was cut short of my sentence by Louis bursting through the door.I literally mean burst.If that boy pushed any harder the door would fly off his hinges.

"You two.Study.Now!"He said not leaving room for argument.oh no this can't be good.You see when Louis mad he's that bad.But when you really get on the wrong side of him,you might want to start running to the hills.

Me and Dylan shared a glance,before sprinting out the door and to the study.When we got there we noticed everyone was here but Aria and her friend Isabella.This must have something to do with the void aka are gang.

Mack stood there next to Louis at the head of the table while he had a protective arm over there.Harry stood silently next to him,glaring daggers on to the table in front of him.Geee would not like to be that table right now.

"Right guys.Something's happened"Harry started off.I eyed my brother carefully trying to guess his next words.

"Louis here had a call from Marcus."Gasps were heard all around the room as the wicked name left Harry's lips.

"He knows we're on to him.And it seems our suspicions were right.Marcus was the one who set up mine and Louis parents death.He planned it all.He wants us to attack him,I know he's got it all figured out.So what we're gonna have to do is use the element of surprise.I want each and everyone of us to look for whatever clues you may find.I don't care when or where,as long as Aria is not in the room.Do you understand?"Harry said eyeing us all carefully.

Each one of us have a silent nod as we left to room quietly.I knew nothing about this! i can not believe he would not only do this, but call Louis to boast about it.What I do know?I know this can't be good.


Mack POV

I seriously have never seen Louis this stressed.Two years looking for the man who planned his parents death!And out the blue he just phones him up and tells him.I can't even begin to imagine how he feels right now,but I guess the only thing I can do is be there for him.

"Hey Lou?"I asked in the most softest voice he could muster.

"Yeah Mack?"He said kinda gruffly.

"Umm,how about the both of us go out for a little bit?try to clear your mind"I said.I could tell he was debating with himself on what to do better eventually he gave in.

"Uhh yeah why not?"He said kind of uncertainly.


30 minutes later we were dressed and walking round the town.Louis slowly followed behind me with his hand locked in mine.We had been walking about the blocks just taking In the sights.

"Hey Lou?"I asked shyly.

"Yeah Angel?"he said as he pulled me to a stop.

"Your really worrying me Lou.I've never seen you like this. Your not even talking just walking around as if something's holding you down.And yeah I know that something is .But can I tell you something? Your gonna get through it Lou.Were gonna get Marcus and we're gonna finish this once and for all.Do you understand me?"I said in a final voice.A cheeky smile made it's way onto Louis lips. A smile I hadn't seen in a while.

"You just know exactly what yo say don't you?"He said.Whilst bringing me into his arms.And laying a gentle kiss to my forehead.


Arias POV

It's been a week since I found out out my brother and my best friends being in a a gang.I feel like they just don't trust me enough to be in something like this.

Also they have lately been so secretive and weird it's like they know something I don't.Which they probably do.

I woke up to a pair of strong arms around my waist.I try to wiggle out of the firm grip but it's no use,like geez how does this boy work out!!!

"Harry"I whisper into the room,hoping he'll here me.I hear a soft groan meaning I've probably disturbed him slumber or as he like to call it "beauty sleep"

"Let me sleeepppp"He groans whilst tuning over bringing the quilt with him.You know that feeling when you take your quilt off you for the first time after waking up and it feels like your in the middle of the Antarctic?Yeah that's me right now.

"Omg harry!Its freezing!!You little shit give me the quilt back!!"I said hoping I didn't wake anyone else in the house up.

"If you want to get warm,you gotta cuddle me"He says in a cute little kids voice whilst holding the quilt up as if inviting me in.I didn't say no to the invite and quickly wiggled my way into his arms.

"We should really be getting up you know,everyone will be up in a bit"Yeah you know everyone who's keeping a secret from me!i thought in my head.

"I know but I'm so comfyyyyy!!!"He whined whilst hugging into my side.Even though I'm pissed off at him right now from keeping this secret from me,I'm trying to not let out that I know something.And come on who could resist that face.


"Right I'm telling you now Liam!! IM PLAYER ONE!!IM PLAYING AS MARIO!" Zayn shouted at Liam getting angrier as the minutes went on.They have been arguing this for a least on hour!I swear I live with idiots.

"Boys I'm about to loose my fucking mind!!One of you plays as Mario and the other plays Baby Mario,there problem solved!"Louis says as him and Harry make their way into the room.

"Hey guys food ready!"Mack shouts to all of us in the living room.The boys drop the wii remotes and literally bolt In to the dinning room.Me and Heidi slowly make our way behind them with Louis and Harry following.

We all take a seat on the giant dinning room table for 10.Yeah we have a BIG family of weirdos.

"Hey babe what's for dinner!"Louis states as he makes his way into the kitchen probably to help Mack.Over the past couple of days, I've gotten to know Mack a lot better and she seems like the perfect girl for Louis.She sweet and shy but could break a mans neck with the flick of her wrist.

Mack and Louis make their way back I to the dinner room with plates stacked with different things for a roast.Potatoes,vegetables,stuffing and most importantly the giant chicken that was sent in the middle of the table.Louis cut into the chicken and gave everyone a healthy severing.A chorus of thankyou were heard before we all tucked in.

"So is everyone good?"Niall asked before he took a mouthful of his food.
Everyone replied with an 'alright' or 'fine'.

The meal went by realitivly quickly and before I knew it I was sitting on the couch watching a film with the boys and Heidi.Everyone was here except Mack and Louis.Hmmm suspicious.

I was calmly watching the movie,when I thought I felt something hit my face.Brushing it away I carried on watching the film.Not a second or two later I felt it again I turned to the direction I was coming from and saw Niall and Liam laughing away in the corner.As soon as their eyes landed a upon me,Liam's hand stopped reaching for the popcorn and guilt washed upon their faces.

"Boysss"I said slowly and lowly.

"Run."I said.Those two words were all it took to start a full on popcorn war.The film we were watching soon forgotten.

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