Chapter 4

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Arias POV

I can't believe he'd say that!My own bloody brother just called me weak!Yeah I am weak I got a pretty good god dam reason why.My parents got killed!Im not gonna be all happy and carefree just like he is, it's like he doesn't even care that their dead.Just walks around like the whole world is fine.I love my brother I really do but sometimes he can be suck a dick!I said in my head, as I paced the floor of my treehouse me and Lou built when we were younger.

I wish I could just rewind back to the day we built this treehouse, mainly because everything was just so simple back then. Compared to what my life is like now. I understand I'm not the same as I used to be, but how can I be when I've lost so much.

"Urggh,I FUCKING HATE HIM!"I screamed out to the forest In front of me.What I wasn't expecting is for someone to answer back.

"I know you don't mean that"I whipped my head around quicker than ever to come face to face with my curly head freak. How can he make leaning against the structure of this old tree house look so damn HOT.  

"I know I don't,but he just makes me so mad!URGHH!"I said with a deflated sigh as I let my head drop in to my hands.I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me to him.

"Just take a deep breathe okay,calm down"He whispered into my ear whilst leaving small gentle kisses down from my head to my ear.

"I just wish he had told me!I mean I'd don't care that he has a girlfriend and in fact she seems pretty nice,I'm just mad he didn't tell me!And I know I haven't told him about us but it doesn't need a genius to figure that out!"I said as I relaxed into my boyfriends arms.

"I know,come on let's not think it about it alright"he's said into my ear.The next thing I know I'm being spun round to come face to face with harry.

"How about me and you go somewhere.We can go anywhere you want.Just the two of us and forget about everything yeah?"He asked with a soft voice.The voice I don't seem to see around the boys.

"Yeah that'd be great!"I said with a stupid grin on my face,I can't seem to get rid of.


We got back to the house however, as promised we walked straight past the house and towards Harrys car. I never thought I'd be so happy to leave everyone else at home and just go out with Harry for once. It was like a rarity these days since we practically ran a hotel. I don't really mind though its nice to always have someone there to talk to, or just simply spend time with.

Ever since mam and dad died, I hate being alone in fear that the other people I care about most in this world will disappear just as fast as my parents. I didn't realise how cruel the world could be until that night, that night that will forever be burned into my mind, till the day I die.   

"Ariaaaaa!" Harry interrupted my thoughts, whilst opening the car door for me to get in.

"Sorry H, when did you become such a gentleman?" I asked by beyond gorgeous boyfriend.

"Ouchh, that really hurt" He pouted whilst he put his hand over his heart.

"Aww, is wittle Harry a wittle sad?" I asked in the best baby voice I could muster. However, instead of replying he just nodded his head.

"Well what are we gonna do about that?" I asked as softly as I could. He bent down so he was now face to face with me, and pointed to his perfectly soft lips. I leant in closer and brushed my lips against his softly.

"Better?" I asked with a smirk.

"Much" He replied with a smirk of his own, before shutting my car door and rushing round to his own.

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