Chapter 10: Caught Slippin

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After having my little run in with the infamous Da'Vontae I had went to go pick up the twins from my mother's house. I pulled into the parking lot and noticed that my dad's car was here but Howard's wasn't. I didn't think too much of it so I just parked behind my dad's car. I got out the car and walked up to the front door of my momma's house. "Hi, Annah!" A couple of the little kids who was playing outside yelled. I waved and said hi as I knocked on the door. No response. I knocked again but louder and there was still no response. I sighed as I looked through my purse looking for my key to the door. "Doesn't make any since." I whispered to myself. As soon as I found my key my mother opened the door. "Why you banging on my door like you the police?" She asked me. "'Cause what's taking you so long to answer the door?" "Girl, what you want?! " she said with an annoyed tone. "My kids! You know, your grandkids? The ones you're supposed to be watching?! " I then paused and noticed that my mother had a silk black and red robe on and a matching push up bra that was peeking out of the robe. "What's with the outfit, ma?" I asked.

Her face turned as red as her lingerie from the embarrassment. "Get in the house." She said pulling me inside. I chuckled to myself knowing what was going on. Howard's gone obviously, Pops' car is outside, and Momma answering the door in lingerie. Victoria's not the only one who has a secret going on. I'm grown so I had no problem with my parents getting their freak on and cheating on my step parents, it's just the fact that my kids are here in the midst of their affair or reunion or whatever they want to call it. "So y'all couldn't wait 'till I picked my kids up to do this?" I asked her. "Your kids are in your old room sleep."

"Still, Momma and where's Nevaeh?!"

"She's at the mall with Jariah and Olivia."

"Ump. Figures. She probably out there getting herself in trouble. I don't know why you let her hang with them thots." I did not like them little girls Nevaeh runs with. They was always getting into some shit with some little bitches. I swear one of these days this little girl gonna have me put them two heffas in some coffins messing with my little sister or have her in some shit. I don't know why my momma let her even be around them bitches. She didn't even want me around Molly and most definitely not Dee for a good while. Until she saw how they we're after a while. I guess she let her fuck with them cause she's trying some new "parenting technique" or if she really just doesn't notice or care any more. She may be blind but I know better.

"The better question is where's Howard?" I said getting back on subject. "What you mean?" My momma asked. I laughed. "Don't play funny Ma, I saw Dad's car in the drive way." She sighed. "Victor, come out. Annah knows." My father walked out with his pants pulled up while buttoning up the top buttons on his shirt. "Hey, sweetheart." My father said. All I could do was laugh cause my father had the biggest smile on his face. He hugged me before slipping his shoes back on. "What's good, Pops?" I said laughing even harder. "Nothing just visiting your mother." "Hmm.. I see." I said grinning at my mother who just shook her head. "Well, tell my grandkids Pa Pa loves them when they wake up." "Will do." He nodded his head and turned to my mother. "I'll call you later." "Bye, Victor." My dad headed out the front door and I was still dying of laughter. "Don't tell your stepfather." My mother pleaded. "Hey, I might as well be Kermit cause that ain't my business." I told her. "Go take a shower, I'm bout to go get some Starbucks. Want anything?" "Get me a regular coffee please." I nodded and walked out the door. I know some of you thinking "You just caught your parents cheating on your step parents with each other, how can you be this calm?" Like I've said before. I'm grown. I know my parents get down and plus they grown as well. What they do has no control over me at this point. And I don't even like Glenda still anyway. Howard's cool but he's not my father and my loyalty lies with him and my mother. I'm pretty sure if my parents are cheating with each other then my step parents aren't doing their job as spouses.

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