Chapter Thirteen: Behind Those Eyes

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Makie got worse. Everyone has noticed it happening for the past six concert nights. She was writing and singing set lists that were sadder than Broken and the other previous ones. The fans were raging to know the details of what really happened. Paparazzi have ticked each and every one of us just so they can get the gossip if it was true that Makie Romero was getting pulled off the tour because she’s depressed. Niall said he has often heard her crying on her bunk while we were on the tour bus. He even added that Vanessa has mentioned she’s flying someone out from the Philippines to come and accompany Makie for a little while, though he didn’t get the information to who that someone would be. She refused to be anywhere near me, just like Vanessa. She hasn’t looked me in the eyes ever since that stupid video surprise. I haven’t seen her smile after that mistake. She wasn’t as glowing as she was before. Makie once again shielded herself on the same exact shell that I thought I already cracked weeks ago.

I accepted all the blame on me, taking each and every hard blow they threw.

Uncle Simon was furious the very second he heard what happened. Vanessa and the other boys got pinned on the problem too even though I told Uncle beforehand that none of them knew about the surprise. Liam said Vanessa was asked to not let Makie be alone with me anymore. They were told never to let anything like it ever slip again. Louis has told me that our manager asked them to look after me because everyone’s now thinking that I’m some kind of menace who will ruin the whole tour because I didn’t told anyone of them about my unplanned pouring of love for Makie Romero.

And that love is a barrier. It has always been even from the start. The one thing I’ve dreamt of ever having has already been blocked by people around us who wouldn’t approve of it. Our love story has already been charred down even before it could really happen. Makie and I were just fools, thinking a romance between us would eventually spark and people will rejoice that we’re perfect for each other. Well, at least I was.

The management wasn’t happy, so they made an immediate action in order for the issue to die down.

And that drastic action happened in the name of Sabina Fines.

They thought it was a clever idea –I think they’re just being complete assholes.

She was one of Uncle Simon’s newly discovered talents on The X Factor U.K. A blonde skinny twenty one year old Irish lassie that has a potential on becoming someone like Adele because of her super amazing voice as per what I’ve heard them comment about her. Uncle Simon was clearly drunk when he compared her to Adele. The one thing they have in common was their chest size. She reminded me of that certain blonde bitch *cough* Taylor Swift *cough* I dated before. She could pass a lollipop look with her disproportionate head and body size.

Sabina was the best choice to get paired with me because she’s got everything a cheeky lad like me would ever dream of - that and because she’s not someone who’s on tour with One Direction of course. For the management, Harry Styles and Sabina Fines were a match made from heaven. For me, Sabina Fines was a narcissistic bimbo that was thrown out from hell.

The whole management made me went on dates with her for the past ten days while we were on tour. I don’t even know how I lasted every second of those dates with someone like Sabina Fines. I was always on the verge of stabbing myself every chance she cling her stick thin body on me. Plus she always wears these very revealing clothes like she’s some prostitute I desperately picked up on the streets. What really bothers me the most is that she’s such a heavy drinker who wants to get us so wasted on every date. She said it was okay with the management, as long as the issue about Makie and I buries down. Apparently, it also seems like she wants to rape me if ever I do get drunker than her –like that will ever happen. Some kind of fun she is. NOT.

Soul Siren (OneDirectionFF: Harry Styles/OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon