Chapter Twenty Two: Your Life, Your Voice, Your Reason to Be

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We drove off to a car rental shop where I managed to book one earlier today as part of all the day-out surprise I have planned for Makie. I told her we’re going on a road trip, something she didn’t expect me to think off. I wanted this day just to be for us. No fans, no paparazzi, no management to tell us no, just be the two of us wandering off to somewhere we know we’re both just safe and sound.

I haven’t let go of her hand at all. She asked me not to -never. She said she’s afraid that if I let her go, she’ll slip away -back to being sheltered behind the walls, unaffected and cold. She said she doesn’t want to fend off sadness while we’re together. She wants to break out of that uncaring persona she has made to save herself of the tragedy of her forgotten past. The pain of her father’s accident was the cause, clearly visible right in her brown doe eyes before we went on the road. She’s still affected by the pictures of her late father never leaving her mind. She said it’s my touch that makes the sadness go anyway, because it replaces the fear deep down her nerves. It’s my affect to her that makes her float, ready to be swept away and be saved. No need to be fixed. I love Makie Romero for whom she was, for who she’s newly become.

I can’t imagine her drowning back into the abyss of her nightmares with all the scary demons of her past. She has changed so much, -a lot, to be honest. The Makie Romero I met months ago was so different from the Makie Romero I held in my hands, but she’ll always be the girl I fell head over heels for. I can’t let it happen again, how she’d close herself out of the life and love of the world around her. Whatever it takes, I will never let Makie go.

I watched her as Makie enjoyed the gush of wind blowing gently on her face while we drove off on the highway. Everything on her showed how carefree and brave she’s trying so hard to be. The smile on both her lips and her eyes makes me feel joyous too. Somewhere deep inside of me, I still can’t believe this is actually happening to both of us. She’s there sitting next to me. Love placed on touches and glances. Free at last. None of us were holding back. No need for pretenses because we’re conscious of what the people around us might say. It’s just us.

We acted like two normal couples driving off on the long winding road before us. One hand on the wheel, the other hand laced with her hand, kissing the back of it every now and then. In that very moment, I couldn’t ask for anything more. We’ve got all that we needed. It was our form of escape, away from all the drama of the tour and our lives.

If this is a dream, please don’t wake me up.

Makie rested her head on the rest, looking towards me with that gorgeous grin on her face. “Harry?” she called me out, sweet and softly, just how I like it.


“You don’t know where we are going, do you?” she asked skeptically.

I just smirked back at her. “As I recall correctly, you were the one who said that let’s get lost.”

Makie let out a giggle and replied, “Not quite literally. We’ll need to go back too eventually.”

Her actual words got my mind thinking for a second flat. I don’t know why, but I felt against about it.

What if I don’t what to go back anymore?

Soul Siren (OneDirectionFF: Harry Styles/OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon