Like Fire and Rain (Part Two)

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Liam, Zayn and Louis asked Niall to take me back to the hotel we’re staying at.


Niall haven’t said a word to me, yet he kept me close to him on the drive back. His hands never let go of my own. And for the first time in that night, I felt safest.


He walked me up until we reached the door of hotel room Makie and I shared. “Niall, I’ll be fine. You should go to your room and take a rest too.”


But Niall didn’t listen to what I told him. Instead, he pulled me inside the room, until I didn’t realize that I was leaning against the wall, blocked by Niall’s towering body, only inches away from being pressed with mine.


He didn’t let me move. I wasn’t even able to speak, or move, or think at the least. I was slowly getting lost on the stare of his blue eyes that bore right through my glossy ones.


It was a little too late for me to ask what he wants because by then I felt Niall’s hands trailing up my dress’ skirt. Even before I knew it, he already pushed the hem of the skirt too far only to have his fingertips trace that part of my skin I’ve always been ashamed off.


“Are these…”


 I didn’t know what to say. How could I even explain something like it to someone like him? Niall was the first person to ever see them, let alone touch me underneath the clothes I wore.


“Andie, do you hurt yourself?”


His eyes showed disappointment and worry while his fingertips stayed in the traces of scars in my legs. “Andie… did you do this to yourself?” he insisted on asking.


“Niall, these were from… I haven’t done this for some time.” I confessed.


I couldn’t look at him in the eyes, but I could feel Niall’s remained staring at me, just waiting for me to spill the whole story. But I couldn’t.


Without expecting it, Niall’s arms suddenly wrapped around me, enveloping me with the musk scent I just noticed he wore, intoxicating me to fall to this bold way he committed. I couldn’t explain why, but his touch and comfort broke me to tears while my face was buried in his chest. His touch felt like the very first time the touch of a blade cut through my skin. How was it possible that Niall made me feel his way? It felt like once again, fresh drawn blood poured out of the scars. It didn’t hurt, I couldn’t feel pain, and there was more like comfort that every burden inside my chest was suddenly gone.


I’m a mess, a huge fucking mess. It was the only way to describe me. I should have never believed that running away would make a change, for me, for my life. Whatever path in life I choose I’ll just be a complete disaster. Nothing would ever change that fact.


I felt broken all over again, yet it was like Niall instantly felt that I would be and just held me there, so delicately, just so to not let me completely shatter to pieces.

Soul Siren (OneDirectionFF: Harry Styles/OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon