Chapter 73

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Lauren/You - The BackStreet Encounter - Chapter 73

A/N : Well well look who's back ! An old friend who likes breaking your hearts ! Haha ! Anyway, you should thank the person who messaged me and told me what the f*** happened to TBSE cause without them i wouldn't have been working on this for two hours and you wouldn't have had a new update anytime soon. I've been so caught up with Just An Innocent and Make Her Believe that i literally abandoned my other books and that's not cool ! So i'll be working on TBSE, LBD and Saving You those next few days/weeks and i'll update as soon as i can !

Anyway back to this chapter! I've been gone for so long that i feel like i should post a small "Here's what you missed on glee" type of thing... anyway, remember, in the previous chapter you forgave your father since you discovered he only distanced himself for you in order not to hurt you when he'll be gone. He made you cry because he told you he hated that he couldn't be at your wedding and that he wouldn't be the one walking you to the alter....You ended up coming up with an idea and needing Lauren to say yes...(of course we all know what this is about so it's not a real surprise...)

A lot of fluff and stuff in here! ENJOY WHILE YOU CAN!!!!

Third person point of view (That's a first)

Y/N's father was peacefully resting on his bed while he waited for his family to walk through the door again. He had fallen asleep after taking his medication and cursed himself as soon as he woke up, hating himself for falling asleep and thus wasting the last few hours he still had sleeping instead of being with his family. He needed to use that time to catch up with his daughter. He had never dared picturing the day his beloved daughter would forgive him because he genuinely believe it would never happened, he was sure it wouldn't and yet, it happened. After everything he had done to her and how he broken her, hurt her so many times, she had forgiven him. She did and he never felt as happy as he was at that exact second. Some part of him still wished she had never found out the real reasons behind his awful behavior because he was scared of what impact his death would have on her. Despite the fact that he had pushed her away for years and even not seen her in just as long, he still knew her better than he knew himself. At the end of the day she was his daughter and she was just like him. He was scared because he knew there was a high chance that she would react the same he reacted when his own father died and that definitely wouldn't be good. He shook his head, not wanting to think about this time of his life and instead wanting to believe that his daughter wouldn't react the same way he did. He just hoped he could make her understand not to make the same mistakes and he just wanted to enjoy his time with his family by his sides. He frowned realizing that his family wasn't by his side at the moment and started wondering where they were doing. And that's exactly when his ex-wife, Barbara, entered the room, with a bright smile he wasn't used to see since their divorce.

"What's going on?" he asked confused seeing what she was carrying in her hands.

"Nothing. Get up and put this on as fast as possible. I'll be right outside the door if you need me." She said, setting the package on the bed and exiting the room. He got up and as his eyes landed on the package he frowned, his confusion reaching its peak.

"What the hell is happening?"

In the meantime

Your point of view.

To say that I was nervous would be a euphemism. My heart was reaching a crazy speed as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I never expected this to happen, I wasn't even sure if this was real, it definitely felt like it wasn't.

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