Chapter 66

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Lauren/You - The BackStreet Encounter - Chapter 66

A/N: I know it's been a while but hey tbse is finally back! I hope you missed it as much as I did!

(I didn't proofread it so sorry for any mistake!)

Enjoy !

3 months later.

Happiness has always been the thing every single people on earth looks for, or at least it should be. I have finally found my happiness and it took the form of one single person, a green eyed girl I was living for and with. You'll say one never knows what can happen and that we could still break up or take different paths but at that second, as I stared at the pictures hanging on the wall in front of me, I knew that that wasn't going to happen. I had experienced what it was like to live without her and to try not to love and I had all the times come to the same old conclusion, it was impossible. She was everything I would always want and everything i would always have by my sides. We had known each other for two years now. Two years of ups and down. Two years of fights, break ups and make ups. Two years of complete and utter love. Those two years were allowing me to be sure that, this was who I was going to end my life with. This girl was who I was going to marry and who I was going to raise kids with. She was the one I'll die next to, the one I'll love for the rest of my life and even after I'm gone. I was finally going to enjoy my life with her now that the tour we had been on was over. 2 months on the road and now we were back, not to a hotel room, not an apartment shared with the 4 other girls but home. I smiled as I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer to a body I knew very well now.
"What are you thinking about sweetheart?" She whispered in my ear as I leaned in her touch.
"Us. Our future. Our past. Everything that happened and that makes we are here today and everything that still has to happen." I stated in a dreamy voice.
"Are you thinking about how much I love you, too?" She said pecking my shoulder slightly.
"I think about that all the time. I don't know what I deserved to be loved like that." I stated before spinning around in her embrace finally meeting those green eyes that I had learned to read into.
"You deserve the world. And I'll do my best to give it to you on a silver platter." She said making me smile.
"That's not what I need. What I need is you, here with me, for the rest of my life." I said as I cupped her cheek.
"That I can do." She declared chuckling. "Although I'm not sure I wanna stay in this place forever."
"Why not?" I asked saddened by that.
"Because it holds a lot of hurtful memories." She whispered looking down.
"We'll make new ones." I said as I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "Plus it does hold good ones too."

Flashback (a week earlier)

The airport. It was finally time for our break. This tour had been crazy for the girls and believe it or not for me too. I was everywhere Lauren was and of course each time we were seen together fans started going crazy. It felt good that the fans were supporting our relationship and it kind of felt better when this fact cause Ryan to accept us dating too. There had been no rules for us now that the world knew about us and it felt good being able to be seen hugging her or holding her hand. It felt good not to hide. And that only strengthened our love. We were happy and obviously in love considering how many times Dinah had caught us kissing and added the pics to her snapchat story. But of course we didn't mind. What we minded though, well Lauren more than I did, was the lack of intimacy. Making out was pretty impossible since there was always someone around and let's not even talk about sex. It was irritating Lauren while it was just making me laugh. I could wait. She obviously couldn't which made it pretty fun for me to tease her every now and then. But now, as we were waiting for our flight to LA, she looked very impatient to be in our same old hotel room/apartment. We said our goodbyes to the girls and as suspected Camila and Ally ended up sharing a few tears while Dinah and Mani just tried to hide their sadness behind their humor. Of course we were going to see each other in a few weeks but still it hurt to be separated from them.

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