Chapter 22

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The BackStreet Encounter – Chapter 22

A/N:WOOOW it seems like the fandom is completely divided. Team Lauren and Team Camila are pretty amazing. You guys are amazing. But I apologize for the team which won't be pleased by the endgame. I can't please every body. So i'm sorry but I hope you will like it anyway.

Your point of view.

It had been two weeks, two weeks since that time I had send Camila back to her hotel room to fix things with Lauren. And strangely enough but to my pleasure, she did. Lauren and her were at a good place now, from what Ally told me. I had kept in touch with all of the girls except for Lauren. I couldn't have her as a friend and I guess she couldn't either because she never tried to reached out for me. I guess she was over me or was trying to get over me. I should have been happy with that, because she was listening to what I had told her and she was respecting the fact that I had told her to get out of my life. But every night of our first week apart I found myself crying over the fact that she would never be mine. That was the first week, now I had finally opened my eyes and I was allowing myself to turn the page. So I'd go to school, to my enemies again, but in the evening i'll just meet with Camila or one of the girls and we would hang out. Normani and I would go to the dance studio and i'd teach her some killer moves, Ally and I would stay home and talk a lot and Camila and I would also stay home watching some cheesy romantic movie while cuddling. Our relationship was still quite ambiguous because we hadn't put boundaries to our friendship neither did we talk about getting back together but we would kiss every now and then and make out too. To be honest things were good the way they were. Our relationship was complicated and I knew deep down that she was still hoping that i'd take her back soon and ask her to be my girlfriend again very soon. I just knew that she didn't want to push me so she was just taking what i'd give her. The only one I didn't get to spend time with was Dinah, but that was changing today. Today was Saturday and we were finally going to have this shopping day. I was waiting for her to pick me up at our usual BackStreet and when I saw the van park I smiled slightly. My slight smile turned into a huge grin when I saw Camila getting out of the car and running to me to hug me and kissed me softly. I was shocked at first but kissed her back gently. When we pulled back she mumbled a quick i'm sorry, I was just happy to see you.

“What are you doing here? I thought today it was Dinah/me bonding.” I said as I noticed Dinah walking to us.

“Yeah it was. But Chancho here wanted to tag along, she was afraid you'd fall in love with me.” Dinah joked.

“No offense Dinah but I think i've fallen enough in love for a life time.” I said with a small smile on my face.

“I think so too.” Dinah said with a comprehensive look as Camila remained silent. “But who knows? I'm so awesome than you could indeed fall for me.” she said playing with her eyebrows.

“You are awesome but you are not my type.” I stated causing Dinah to slap my arm.

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