Chapter 34 : Life is not always sweet (3/3)

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It have been 3 days that Xiaomi skip school. Everyday he stay inside his room. Who calls he will not open the door. This makes his mum very worry. She drag Yiyi and ask,

"Yi yi, do you know what happen to Xiaomi? Everyday lock himself up in his room. When i bring food to his door, he only eat a little. This really is killing me."

Liu Yiyi take a look at Xiaomi's room, and sigh; "If any day that he finally think it through, he will not like this"

Sxm's mum do not understand " what is there ti think through?"

"Think properly what he really wants. "Yiyi give Xiaomi's mum a pat. "Aunty, don't you worry too much. This issue i am not that sure. I think you too could not handle it much, i too could not bother about it"

Xiaomi heard what Yiyi said, Xiaomi open his eyes and think. What he really wants is for everyone to be good. But this decision have cause himself to be in serious pain. Now, Yanyan already have a new girl, he himself push Yanyan to other people, but yet he still blame him for being with another. Then, what does he really wants? Do not let him be with himself and do not let him be with other people? This is what selfish is all about...

What Yiyi said is actually right. The biggest victime here is not Xiaomi... Is the one that he cruelly push away.. Yanyan. Now he really he is the one that is to be blame...but it is too late. He already belong to someone else.

Xiaomi stay in his room for around five days, he have become weak.

"Open the door"

The voice from behind the door , makes Xiaomi jumped in shock. He sit up from his bed, but still stubborn do not open the door. What left of him is this tiny little dignity.

"Why are you here?"

"What the hell are you doing? If you want to break up, then lives your life properly! What are you doing to yourself?"

"This is my business. I know it must be my mum and Yiyi that ask you to come. I don't need your pity"

"Indeed i am pity you"

"I don't need that. How i want be is my business. I don't need you to come in and interfere"

Why he come here when he already have a new girl? He purposely want to make me hard to forget him?

"Su Xiaomi, i am tired. I don't want to listen to all of these nonsense. I just want to tell you, if you left is because of your family, then you look at you now, don't you think they will be upset seeing you like this? You can't be this selfish... You think it over. "

There is no more voice behind the door. He really wanted to see Yanyan. Why once he came, he have to say such thing?


The next day, Xiaomi walk out from his room. He have lost alot of weight. When he see his mum's weary worry eyes, he give a smile ,

"Mum, make me rice! I am hungry"

Xiaomi's mum upon seeing his is back to normal he nearly praise god for blessing. She quickly go to the kitchen and cook for him. She did not question Xiaomi.

Xiaomi finish his mean and went back to school. Attend class like how he use to. He continue to chat and play with his dormmate. But he never mention about Yanyan. That is his injury, he have always carefully hide from it. Everything as if he have never know Yanyan. The only thing that is not the same is Xiaomi is not who he use to be.

The time pass and the two lives with their pain. Another few more days is exam, those year four student that went out for practical all will come back. They all busy completing their graduation planner. Xiaomi everyday stay close to the window hoping to able to see the one he hope to see. But until the graduation day, he did not see Yanyan.

After the convocation, Xiaomi and the others are still having class, right after the class finish, Xiaomi dash out. He saw standing outside the classroom is Yanyan.

When he saw Xiaomi, he throw away his cigarette and wave to Xiaomi. Xiaomi walk to him. He wanted to say something. But he do not know where to start. They have not see each other for almost 3 months now. Yanyan seems to look very mature. And become more handsome too. While thinking, Xiaomi bitterly smile. At last, Yanyan start to talk.

"I have to return to A city"

Xiaomi felt a sharp stab into his heart. Back to A city? He is leaving?

"I came to inform you this"

After saying, he turn around and walk away leaving Xiaomi who is stunned. After a few steps, Yanyan turn again and look at Xiaomi

"Su Xiaomi, good bye!"

Then Yanyan trully left. Xiaomi's head is blank. He stare at the direction that Yanyan walk away.

Su Xiaomi, good bye

Su Xiaomi, good bye

Su Xiaomi, good bye

How can he say it so easily? He just abandon him and left? Forget? Can he trully forget? Xiaomi did not move an inch. Until Yiyi come infront of him,

"Is it good being like this?" Liu Yiyi ask.

Xiaomi answer "What is there to complain. It is for everyone benefit"

Liu Yiyi raise her hand and gave Xiaomi a slap.

"Fuck! Wake up! You look at your face right now! You look awfull! Why must you choose between family and love? Why can't you work hard for your family to accept your love?"

Xiaomi as if awaken from sleep, why such a simply reasoning , he have never think about it? Now his mobile phone in his pocket vibrated. Xiaomi anxiously open his messages.

"Su Xiaomi, these period, i too have think through. You don't love me"

After sending the message, Yanyan throw away his mobile phone. If this is what Xiaomi wants, then i will give it to him.

When Xiaomi wants to call back, there is no onr answer the call. Yiyi look at her watch,

"He is taking the 3 pm flight"

Xiaomi dash out of the school gate.

Yanyan please don't abandon me and leave. There are alot of things i want to say to you. There are alot of thing i want to do with you.

But when Xiaomi reach the airport, it is already 3 something. He stand at outsid the airport looking at the plane that getting higher and higher. He did not care those people that is walking around and shouted,

"Didn't you say you will never ever let go? You liar!!liar!! You have think through? But i have not!! Can't you wait for a little longer, i don't love you? Then who can i love?!!!"

Xiaomi take out his phone and throw it into the air. If this is not love, then those days together, what are they?



I Want to Be Your Man (English vers)(BoyxBoy) Chinese NOVELWhere stories live. Discover now