Chapter 76 : Others Call U Little White

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What day is today? Today is payday! Xiaomi speaks alittle louder, his back are alittle straighter. This is Xiaomi first depending own his own, and earn money. Eventhough it is not much, but still it is his first salary.

"Yan~ tonight i want to buy you dinner! "

Before he reach his voice have reach first. Xiaomi push open the door, realised that is no one inside. So he ask the secretary sitting beside,

"where did he go?"

"He is in the meeting room having a meeting, i guess you just have to wait for him here"

All he can do was quitely sitting in the office and wait for Yanyan. He wants to share with him his good news. Man must put career as his priority, he must not cause Yanyan to stumble. This Xiaomi understand very well.

First he was able to sit still. But after a while, he start to move up and down. It is too boring, so he took out his salary and count once again. ( no matter how many times you count it won't increase -__-" ) He have recount for three times.

Xiaomi look at the watch, lunch time is nearly over. He have to go back to work. He was a little upset to leave. He bump into Yanyan who is with another man, discussing something with another group of man.

"this is your department new head, from the headquarter, AuYang Jia."

Hearing Yanyan say, Xiaomi turn his attention to this man who is half head shorter than Yanyan. His skin is good, without pores. It is crystal clear. His hair is brownish. His face is good looking, but Xiaomi felt Yanyan is much better looking. But he still is in the top five of the best looking man that Xiaomi have seen.

Seeing Yanyan and AuYang Jia standing side by side, it is as if they are character from the manga, don't know why, but he have this thinking, these two person look compatible, when he stand beside Yanyan, he have never felt this way. This thinking seems to be more and more surreal, Xiaomi got frighten.

He knock his own head chasing away the thoughts. Because his this reaction, attracts the few guys there. Yanyan too follow other's and look at the same direction. And he saw Xiaomi, hand holding his money.

"Then, you all can go back to your work. "

After Yanyan say, he walk towards Xiaomi. AuYang Jia stare at Xiaomi. His stare made Xiaomi felt uncomfortable.

"You have been long waited?"

Yanyan stand infront of Xiaomi, Xiaomi shake his head, and take a peep at the one behind Yanyan. Why is he still not leaving? I still have some private things to tell Yanyan. But AuYang Jia still do no leave. Xiaomi give in,

"then, i shall return to work"


When leaving, Xiaomi looks on the two who walk into the office, why they look so good together? Xiaomi's heart is troubled.


When Xiaomi off work, Yanyan came and fetch him. Xiaomi have no courage to ask about AuYang Jia. Xiaomi do not want Yanyan thinks that he is too suspicious. Actually there is nothing between the two and he himself that think too much. That will cause Yanyan headahce. Xiaomi decided to keep it in.

I Want to Be Your Man (English vers)(BoyxBoy) Chinese NOVELWhere stories live. Discover now