2. Επιστρέψτε σύντομα

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I'm helping pops load the moving van when my phone goes off, I sit the box down on the van and grab my phone and I answer it.


"He shot her!" Brain screams

My heart slows and my thoughts race everything stands still.

"Who shot who,"

"My father he shot Hope,"

"Where are you?"

"I'm driving to the pack house the bullet was laced with wolfsbein and sliver,"

"I'm on my way,"

I hung up and I sprint out the van and I run into Faith and she falls down. I don't have time for this right now so I just pick her up and I pull her over to my car and I pick her in the passenger seat.

"Hunt what's going?" Doe asks as I pull off

"Hope got shot call mom and pops," I say

She gasps but she quickly types on the screen and then she puts the phone to her ear and I drive faster. She needs me and I can feel her pain and it hurts me just as it her.

That's the funny thing about being a twin I can feel everything she can. I know her pain and I know it well, I've always been there to pick her up and I always. She's my baby sister it's my job to protect her, like the way grandma and moms friends did her.

I reach Alpha Raymond's pack house and I see Brain's pickup sitting in out front of the pack house. I turn off my car and I'm out the car in a flash and walking throughout the door with Doe right on my heels.

We make our whimsy to the infirmary and I know we're getting close because my pain is increasing. Not by a lot, but enough to know I'm close and this all I need to know, because my little sister is my everything.

Then I see Brain and Molly sitting in chairs outside the room and y anger skyrockets. Thiers not a scratch on him but my baby sister has been shot on his watch. I knew I should have never trusted that hunter.

"Hunt I know your upset but let's just go in with clam cool head,"

"I'm not upset I'm fucking piss," I growl

We walk over to Brain and Molly and Faith step in front of me as if she's protecting him from me. He should be thankful for her standing there.

"What that fuck happened," I demand

"We were going to get Molly to leave but I went for the safe and she went for Molly..." He starts voice break "I heard the door close... I thought they made it out... and I gusset she came back looking for me and when my dad saw her she looked so scared... he had a gun and I never saw her like that... then he treated her and I took the chance to tickle him but before I made contact he shot her and we wrestled for the gun but I grab in first and I shot him in the head," he finishes

I clam down and I sit in the chair and I look up at him.

"Well is M okay?" I ask

"She's fine she was sleep through the whole thing but she was really upset when saw Hope," he sighs

"Where is she now?"

"With Luna Daniel,"

"Good she didn't need to see her like that,"

"I guess that's what I get for raising her around wolves,"

"Yeah she going to be one cool kid theirs not many human children in our pack back home who can say they grow up twitch alphas,"

He chuckles and I a doctor comes from Hope's room and Doe stand to talk to him be he eyes met mine and I nod.

"We where able to get then bullet out with no problem , but she lost a lot of blood, also because of the bullet being silver and laced with wolfsbein I had to prescribe her some pretty powerful pains meds that's she will need to be on for the next month or until the pain subsides, she's sleeping now but she is free to go after she wakes and make sure she takes her pills," he's says handing me the bottle

"Can we see her?" Doe asks

"Yes but be carefully she could wake up delirious," he says

With that I dismiss him and we all walk into the room, Faith sits on the bed next to Hope and intake the chair next to her and Brain takes the chair on the other side of the bed.

" Τι στο διάολο συνέβη στο μωρό μου!" Mom yells apoun walking in the room
(What the hell happened to my baby)

"Она была ранена мама," I answer
( She was wounded mom)

"Με οποίος?!" She says
(By who)

" Με πατέρα του Brian ," Faith answers
(By Brian's father)

She gasps and she looks over at Brian and he stands probably expecting to be slap, but she does the opposite and hugs him tightly. He stands stiff but then relaxes and hugs her back just as tight and even though he's about a whole foot and a half taller than her she still kiss the side of his face.

"Όχι αγόρι θα πρέπει να έχουν ποτέ να σκοτώσει τον πατέρα του για να σώσει την αγάπη του, " She whispers
( No boy should ever have to kill his father to save his love)

He hugs her tightly before letting her go and stepping out her way so she could see Hope. Mom softly rubs her cheek and places a kiss on her forehead before she exist the room with tears in her eyes, I can tell it pained mom to see her like that she has seen so much lose and been through so much pain.

"Umm... I'm going to check on mum and pops," Faith says in her sight," She in her sight british accent and walks out the room

She has it because she spent five years in London at some gifted school. She decided to come home after five years because some British alpha wanted to force her to be his mate because of our powerful alpha blood line hers even more powerful then Hope's and me. That nearly made pops want to go to London and kick his ass but mom talked him out of it saying they would kill him and we didn't need a werewolf war going on. I can tell she misses London because she doesn't even try to hide her accent. She also watches lots of British shows and listen to their music so she doesn't lose her accent. Pops finds it rather cute mom just finds it annoying and I don't bleam her, but the my little sister.

"Yeah I'm going to check on Molly," Brain says

I nod and he walks out of the room and I look down at my sleeping sister and I see the sight smile on her lips and my heart flutters knowing she'll be all right. I kiss her fore and whisper a three small words,

"Επιστρέψτε σύντομα,"
(Come back soon)

Just when I was going to walk out her eyes open and she shoots up.

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