7. Στον ήλιο και πίσω

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Brain pulls up at the pack house and we all get out of the car and I grab Molly and we walked into the house. Face nearly pisses herself as Corey and Kahlin come down the stairs with a blonde girl hanging off them. Cory steps away from her and sniffs the air, I grabbed hunter shirt with excitement and I hold on to his back as he watches them with a murderous expression. Safest frozen with fear it I can see it in her eyes.

Cory steps down from the stairs and he walks calmly over to face, he grabs her waist and pulls her closer to him. Her eyes widened he smirks before kissing her roughly. The unnamed blonde girl gasp and grabs her heart, she falls to knees and gasp for air. IPad smiley over to Brian and I rushed to her side, moving passcode Colton I take her head and place it in my lap, and I stroked her hair.

"Ahh stay clam it'll be over soon," I say

"Why is this happening?" she asks weakly

"This happens when a wolf finds their true mate but has already made it another," I explain " your wolves have been breaking your bond since the moment he sensed his mate."

"It hurts,"

"Just breathe,"

She takes deep breath and I gently stroked her hair her pain passes and she closes her eyes. Her wolf survive this and not most do she's lucky whether she knows it or not.

"Co take her to her room so she can rest watch her and come and get me when she wakes," I order

"Should I get the pack doctor?" He ask

"You can or you can just trust a girl who finished four years of college and medical school before she was 18," Brian says

Everyone looks had me in my cheeks head heat up, I just showered and shaved my face.

"I got bored and high school," I say

"Yeah and that will bored high schoolers do for fun," the taller one day sarcastically

"The college let me and my mom help me with the werewolf part of it," I say

He rolls his eyes and I turn back to Colton and sho him, he picked her up in his arms and carried her back up the stairs. I turned your face with a smirk on my face, she reaches in her back pocket and pulled out $100 bill. I shake my head and put her hand away.

"I haven't won yet," I say with a smile

She smiles at the challenge and puts it back in her pocket.

"We'll see dear sister," She says her ascent regining thick

"Indeed we will," I say "okay Corey where is my uncle?"

"Right here little one,"

I turn around and smile as I see you Rydan standing there using power and authority. He smiles it opens his arms to his face we both hugged him tightly and he kisses our hair. I giggle and give him one last tight squeeze.

"You two have grown into a beautiful young women," He says

"Thank you," We say in unison

He chuckles and let us go, we take a step back, and his eyes meet Hunter's. He goes back into alpha mode, and walks past us. He pulls Hunt until one of those bro hug things. The pull away and share a look.

"Your father should be proud of you your going to be a fine alpha one day," Rydan says

"Enough with the mushy shit where's my babies?" I asks

"At your house with your mother my wife and every one else in our family," He says

"Aww to bad," I say with a pour

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