13. Scientific Fact

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Mom told us to meet her at Hope's house because she has something important to feel us. Hope's my twin and best friend, but what she did to her mate was wrong. The sad thing is that she didn't even rejected him so he could move on with life she just kicked him out like he was nothing. I have always known that she never wanted a mate even if she never expressed it.

I know my sister more then she thinks I do. We're twins, we've been contacted since utero her pains are my pains. I feel what she feels and she feels what I feel it's been like that since we where babies. I would fall and she would cry she would get push in the sand by a girl at school and I'll feel the anger. She's my other half and I love her for that, but choosing some one over your mate is unacceptable. I know my mom did it and that worked out great for her, but Hope might not end up the same. I just want her to be happy with some one who can make her happy.

"So you want me to go with you?" Lizzy asks

"No, I have a feeling this will turn out bad and knowing my family they have a tendency to kill outsiders when their mad," I say

"But I'm your mate they would never do that me," She defends

"They wouldn't your are right about that, but never doubt my family's ability to kill we are trained by the best in both human combat and werewolf, we're hunters of our own kind we kill the wicked to protected the innocent, but that doesn't mean we can't anyone else," I explain lightly "I say this not to scare you but to let you know the family you mated into my mom and grandmother both have dark past so we all are trained to protect ourselves and the ones closes to is," I finish

Lizzy wraps her arms around my neck from behind and she places a light kiss in the back of my head. I close my eyes as her lips lenger there longer than expected.

"I am your mate and I will stand beside you like a Luna and mate should," She says

It's more of statement, but I get what she means and that makes me smile.

"Your not Luna yet nor am I alpha,"

"First we have to be fully mated for that,"

"Your fifteen be a teenager a little while longer you have forever to be my mate,"

"But your mom mated with alpha Nick at sixteen and his twice her age,"

I could feel the pour in my little mate's face and that's enough to make me and Jaylen want to give into her right now. That would be wrong to do even if she is out mate. A women should be ready before she has sex for the first time. She is still a child that has yet to really see the world and me being her mate does not give me the right to take her innocents.

It just gives me another reason to thank the Goddess and appreciate how innocent she truly is.

I grab the base of her thigh and use her losely wrap arms to swing her body in to my lap. I look into her eyes and place a kiss on her forehead.

"You are my mate and I will not rush you into having sex when you do not even know if you truly love me," I say carefully

"You are my mate wh-"

"Being someone's mate does not give them the right to hold the other's heart that is something that needs to be earned and you do not love me and I do not love you,"

"You don't love me,"

Her head falls and she pulls away, but I grip her thighs tighter holding her closer to me.

"No I do not love you not yet anyways, our wolves were made for each other not us and it is easy to take on the feelings that your wolf gives off ass your own, but they are not your own and I want you to love me because that's what you feel in your heart and not because that's who your wolf wants you to feel,"

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