4. Home

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They let Hope out of the hospital early this morning and mom not wanting to waste any time put us all on a flight to Florida soon after. I can tell her and pops are excited to see their old friend and even papa and NaNa. We used to visit a lot when I was younger, but around thanksgiving when I was about nine or ten I overheard an argument between papa and mom. It was about Faith and it was pretty intense, papa said something he shouldn't have and mom was hurt.

After that we just stopped going and they stopped asking. I think it hurt NaNa the most I can tell her and mom have always had a special kind of bond. They were more then mother and daughter they were more. Papa doesn't like Faith very much but I know he loves her. I can see it custom in his eyes that he loves her he just doesn't know how to let go of the past like NaNa did. I know he will though I can feel it and I will make him. She my little sister and now that that's she home I'm going to make sure she fees the love she longs for.

We lefted young so I don't expect everything to be like I lefted it. Cory and Colton were our best friends but after we left we just kinda g all off. Well everybody but Cory and Faith, those two have called each other for everything. The alpha in me hydrated that my baby sister has a crush on him when his nearly a year older then her.

My sister mean the world to me, they are the reason God and the Moon Goddess put me as the oldest. To make sure no harm every comes to them or mom. She has already suffered enough in her life and I don't want her to suffer any more. She has lost far to much to lose anymore.

"Hunter stop a dreaming and let's go the plane has landed," Faith says with a chuckle

I smile at me baby sister and stand from chair and grab my overhead bags. I exist the plane after everyone had already lefted.


I think the ride back to the pack house was the most boring thing I have ever happened to me. I mean Faith texted Cory the whole time and Hope played with Molly and Ben acting all lovely dovey. Personal it made me want to throw up in my mouth, but my sister like what they like and I can't Chang it No matter how much I want to.

We're getting unpacked in the house my granddad has prepared for us. Well my room is unpacked and Molly's and Faith's is, now I think we're waiting for Brian and Hope so we can hit up the mall.

"Guys come down there's people here you need to meet!" Mom yells

I walk out of my room at the same time as Brain and Hope who has Molly on her hip. We walk down the stairs together and into the living were mom and pops are. I catch a the smell of vanilla and honey in the air and my pupils zero in on the girl with the prettiest blue eyes and long black hair. My wolf Haden takes over and I'm by her side in a flash.


"Mine," I say

She stares blankly at me and I hear Hope and Faith squeal, but I pay them no mind. My mate is perfect in every one, her lightly tan skin and long black locks just make her already bright blue eyes pop.

"Are you going to tell me your name or just stare at me?" I asks playfully

"Lizzy Scott," she whisper softly

"Your uncle Nate's daughter aren't you?" I question

She nods her head and looks up at me through her lashes and my mind races with dirty thoughts. I take her hand in mines and bring it to my lips and place a soft lingering kiss there.

"I'm Jaden Hunter's wolf nice to meet you beautiful," I say

"Nice to meet you Jaden," She says blushing

"I have to go know beauty there's someone else who wants to meet you," I say


I close my eyes and take two deep breathes.


My eyes open and perfection is all I see, that's what she is pure peefection. I realize I'm still holding her hand and every ones wait to see what I have to say. Between us I think their just waiting to see if I can top Jaden and I can.

"I'm sorry for the long pause I just couldn't think of the right words to say that would even describe your beauty so I'll just have to settle for perfection until I can find a better word," I say

She blushes and takes her hand from mine and I frown at the lose of contact. Her eyes are looking at something behind us and I turn and follow her gaze to Uncle Nate. He eyes burn with something I can't quite determine.

"What are you doing with my daughter boy?" He ask

"She's my mate," I answer simply

"She's 15," he growls

"And she's perfect," I say

"She just a baby,"

"Throw my eyes she's a perfectly beautiful women,"

I hear her heart beat pick up and and I smell her embarrassment and I smirk to myself. Nate walks closer to me and he stares me down.

"What do you plan to do with my daughter," he says

"Love her with a love only I have,"

He nods and smiles and cups my shoulder. I nod back and smile my mom then pulls us a part and hug him tightly. He hugs her back places a kiss on her head pops doesn't seem to mind.

"There's my Lai," He says

"There's my brother we have to get back to your old pack land there's a hidden lake with our name on it," Mom says

"Shouldn't we hold off on the road traps," he says

"For now at least,"

"Well we're going to hit the mall and grab Molly and Brain some stuff," Hope says

"I'm coming," Faith says

"You already now I'm game," I say

They all walk out of the door and I grab Lizzy's hand and she looks at me.

"Where I get to you do to,"

She smiles and we walk out the house to meet the others. I climb into the car and help Lizzy into the car and sit her on my lap. She blushes and pulls out her phone and sends a quick little text.

"Who's that to?" I ask curiously

"My brother was I telling him where I'm going," she says

I smile at her and kiss her shoulder, she smiles and leans back on me me with a quiet sigh.

"I don't know about you but I think this is already starting to feel like-,"

"Home," Hope says cutting me off "yeah I do to." She answers

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