23. Baby Making

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Hope has been running around all week trying to get stuff ready for the wedding. I find it cute that she does this, but now it's like she picks apart everything she wants to do. Her new best friend Sam seems to be her back bone now. They never go anywhere without each other which I find weird, but I'm find with it.

Hope also decided she wants to get married as soon as possible so our wedding day is in 6 days and hope has managed to turn our him into the perfect forest wedding. Which I find extremely attractive and brilliant, my soon to be wide can do it all.

"Hey man how our you doing?" Hunter asks

"Other then the fact my wife turned our home into her perfect forest wedding," I say moving a pair of heels out of my way "I'm doing just fine," I finish

"Your doing better that I would if my wife spent a million dollars on four different wedding dresses," Hunter days shaking his head

My eyes widen and I look over at him like he had to be shitin me.

"What do you mean a million dollars?!"

"The girls didn't tell you?"

I shake my head and he looks at me like he just told me something he was supposed to. I walk away from him to find my wife and talk to her about spending half the wedding budget on dresses.

Hope's POV

"Did my dresses come back?" I ask Sam

"No I've told you when they'll be back the two days before your wedding," she answers

"That well not do seeing as my weeding is at the end of the week so can you tell them I need them by tomorrow,"

"I'll tell them but your the one who wanted dresses that need to be hand made,"

"I also paid a million dollars for them so they should be a little more speedy,"

Sam sighs rolling her eyes as she pulls out her phone and starts typing away at it. As me second maid of honor she does everything Faith refuses to do like cuss at people. Faith thinks it's not nice to yell at people because they made a mistake. Sometimes I swear mom left her in London to long, she is just to nice and birtishy, but I'm going to make her American yet again even if it's the last thing I do.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BUY FOUR DRESSES?!" Brian screams as he enters the room

"First things first lower your voice when your talking to me two who snitched? And three because I liked them and if we have more daughters we won't have to pay for dresses,"

"Do not try and woe me with the thought of children and saving money later," Brian says "and your brother,"

I ignore the last part but make a mantel note to kill my brother later.

"Brian I liked the dresses and you gave me free reign over everything but the cake and you paid 12 grand for a six tear red valeted cake that doesn't even much the theme of the wedding plus two more cakes costing 5 grand a piece for a grand total of 22 grand for fucking cake,"

"Don't try and turn this on me you still spent 10 times more than I did on dresses,"

"I'm not getting the money back so if you let this go right now and don't bring it back up until we have another daughter than we can try for another baby right now,"


"Sam get out," I day

"Don't need to tell me twice," She says walking out the door closing it behind her

Pretty convenient that we already happened to be in a our bedroom. Though it doesn't surprise that it didn't even take him a full second to agree to this, my husband is determined to have house full of kids. Good thing I'm willing to give it to him and my not wanting to be yelled at about money that didn't even put a dent in our pockets. I smile and Brian grabs me by the waist pulling my closer to him and he kisses my lips, I chuckle and Roxy purrs.

Brain moves his hands from my waist and grasp the under padding of my butt lifting me off the ground; wrapping my legs around his waist I pull his face closer to mine deeping the kiss. Brian backs us into the nearest wall and I laugh at the growling noise he makes, looks like him being around werewolves his whole life forced him to pick up a thing or two.

Kissing his neck I sneak my hands under his shirt running my fingers over is defined stomach. Brain groans as I bite on his neck tossing his head back and bucking his hips in the process. I moan against his neck; he moves his hands away from my butt and pins my hands above my head. Forcing my lips away from his neck and our eyes to meet.

"We should probably go to our bed," he says lips hovering above mine

"Maybe we should," I breath out

Brian chuckles and kisses my lips and releases my hands before starting to carry me towards our bed.


I wake in a messy bed naked and pressed against a hard body; I smile apon remembering the deeds that went down between me and Brain yesterday. I snuggle closer him and he hums before kissing my shoulder and giving me husky 'Good morning'. Smiling I return his good morning and snuggle even closer to him.

There was a slight pain in my lower region and I blush when I think about not only the length but the thickness of Brian's manhood. Brian didn't make love to me, but he did fuck me right; Brian was far to rough and going way to fast for it to ever be considered love making. Brian was in control anything he wanted I gave with no hesitation. He made it extremely clear that he was the dominant figure when came to sex; and if I'm being completely honest I really didn't mind being submissive to him. I actually enjoy it and believe I was the one who ended up the most satisfied.

Brain's phone start's ringing and he sits up to answer sigh in frustration. I pulled the cover closer to my chest and I sat up to looking over at him confused.

"No it's not a good time," He says angrily

I roll off my side of the halberd quickly dressing myself in my discarded underwear and my silk robe.

"I don't care who's offering what our offer is still the best and you make sure to let them know that 1.2 million is as high as I'm willing to offer for a bankrupt company," Brian says

"Just handled it I'll be in to the office after my wedding I left you in charge for a reason,"

Brian Hung's up the phone and I walk over to him and sit in his lap kissing his forehead. I knew he need to leave and part me wanted to be selfish and say nothing at all, but if I did thatch won't be able to forgave myself if anything happened to his company.

"Go see what's wrong we aren't getting married until the end of the week," I till him standing on my feet pulling him up with me

"No they can handle it even if they are idiots," Brian says shaking his hand

"No you are the boss and if they Fuck up then it reflects on your leadership and in a family fully of high Born's we can't have people thinking we're bad leaders," I sat with a playful smile

"Are you sure?"

"Yes now go,"

I kiss him and push him towards the in-suite bathroom. I wanted so badly to tell him no, but I'm glad I didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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