Chapter 5: The Preparations

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They headed back to Delos's cabin, but a guard had stopped them and told them to follow him. They followed but they remained cautious. Grace had a hold of a dagger that was strapped to her belt and she allowed her fangs to show. As for Delos, he remained in his half human-half wolf form. He was still worried about Jez, but he did not let his worry over come him. But he let his rage fill him. With anger as an ally, he could attack without a second thought. But the guard took them to a room in which the rest of the council was held. They greeted Delos as if he was no enemy. "Delos and Grace, we understand how much you want to save Jezibella. But we cannot help you." Delos stood there, stunned because he didn't know how they could have understood the love and worry him had for Jez. "We know who she is and what she is. That is why we cannot help you on this journey." Grace stepped forward. "How could you possibly know who and what she is when our leader didn't even know?" "We have our own ways around her. So there are things that we know and keep track of that she doesn't even know. So just calm down and listen to our proposal." Delos, still in his half-half form, stepped in front of Grace. As if he knew that something bad was about to happen. "I am listening. Now what is it that you propose exactly?" "We cannot help you in many ways, but we can give you some materials you may need for your quest." Grace interrupted from behind Delos. "What kind of materials do you think we might possibly need?" Her voice was gentle, but she spoke as if she was yelling quietly. One of the members from the council moved quickly beside her. Not in time for Delos to block him. "Are you doubting us and not accepting our help?" The man took his hand and grabbed Grace at the throat and was holding her in the air, a foot from the ground. Grace struggled to get out of his grip but it was no use. The more she strained, the tighter his hand wrapped around her throat. Delos yanked on his shoulder to get his attention. Without letting go of Grace, he took his free arm and flung Delos across the room into the wall. All of a sudden, a female voice arose from the group of council members. "Dustin! Get a hold of yourself now!!" Her voice was stern, but steady. He slowly loosened his grip on Grace, then let go. She fell to the floor. Delos was still lying on the ground from the impact on the concrete wall. Once Grace caught her breathe, she ran to Delos to help him up. Just a moment later, they were both looking at the man with uneasy eyes. Dustin spoke, "Forgive me. I did not intend on hurting anyone." The woman stepped beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "He does not know his own strength yet. He is the newest member to the circle. He is still in training also." Delos spoke. "It is alright. I know how it is to be a member and go through the training. It is tough. Is it not?" Dustin nodded his head slowly. Grace looked confused and lost. "You? Well, that would explain a lot." Delos waved a hand for her to stop talking. "Ok. But what are the materials you would like to offer us for our journey?" Dustin looked at the woman and whispered something to her. All Delos could make out is her name. Brianna. The maiden of all witches he thought.

Briannanodded at Dustin. "Some spices, some potions, and a selection of weapons. Incase you run into trouble. And also a choice of vehicle for each of you." Delosand Grace switched some looks, and then they nodded as well. "We accept thesematerials." Brianna had a large box brought in by some guards. "This is theweapons you can choose from. Take as many as you like. Once you choose yourweapon, we can supply extras, or ammo of you would like." Grace opened the boxand Delos's eyes lit up and a dangerous smile whipped across his face. Thefirst thing he chooses was a wooden stick with a pointed end. It was spiderwood, poisoned wood with pure silver fragments spread throughout it. Perfect tokill anything. And it is the only object that can kill a blue fire. Gracepicked up a rifle and a few hand guns. Delos also grabbed some hand guns. Healso grabbed a belt that was lying in the pile with daggers, a small sword, andsections to hold hand guns. Grace also grabbed some daggers. Then they werefully equipped with what they needed. Then they closed the chest and Briannawalked over to a cabinet. The two followed her. As she opened the doors, spicesand bottle of potions appeared. She grabbed a few at a time. Telling them whateach was for. "This one is a healing potion. This, a spell for destruction.These spices can mean different things." She handed some to Delos. He read someof them, one of them is to make their opponent blind, one weak, and one to makean escape. Then Brianna pulled down a small vial that grabbed Grace'sattention. "This looks like a simple perfume bottle, but it is far from it.This vial contains the strongest, most powerful of poisons. One drop can killanything within seconds. But be wise when you use it. It will only allow you tomake five uses out of it." Delos carefully took the vial out of Brianna's handand placed it in a pouch in his belt. "Now it is time for you to choose thetype of vehicle you would prefer out of what we have. Please follow me." Theyall headed to the garage. The garage was pretty big. It held the fastest of thevehicles ever made. It also had motorcycles. Both Delos and Grace choosemotorcycles. Grace chooses a crystal blue one. Delos chooses a black one withemerald green flames on it. Each of the motorcycles could go as fast as 360mph. Brianna gave them the keys to their new vehicles. "So now you are fullyequipped with all the materials you will need on your journey." Grace looked ather. "Thank you for your help. We will let you know if we succeed or fail."Delos looked at her. Without taking his eyes off of Grace, he said firmly,"When we succeed, we will let you know." He changed his look from Grace toBrianna. "And then you all can meet the last existing Blue Fire so you know wewere not lying." Brianna's eyes were gentle. "I never thought you were lying. Iknow you are telling the truth. But I do wish to meet her, so I accept youroffer. I wish you good luck for your quest. And if you need anything just giveme a call. I think you know how Delos." He nodded then both him and Gracemounted the motorcycles and turned them on. Brianna yelled something thatsounded like directions, but the bikes were too loud and Delos could not makeout what she said. Then, they were off, speeding down the road.    

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