Chapter 6: The Powers Are Released

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It has now been a week since Jezibella's disappearance. Delos and Grace continued to search for her, but it was no use. They couldn't even pick up any of her scent that was fresh. But as they searched, Drake was slowly manipulating Jez as she was held captive. Drake was kind to her; he treated her like a guest instead of a prisoner. She had a warm bed, great food, and she could do pretty much anything she wanted, except contact anyone and leave his sight. She didn't realize it, but when she slept at night, he would watch her. Not from fear that she would escape, only because he saw her peaceful and gentle asleep. But there were times when he would tie her up and just talk her into believing different things. One day he tied her up and she was in tears by the time he finished talking to her. "They don't want you. They don't even care that you're gone. If they did want you, they would have found you already. Especially that your dear Delos has animal instincts and a keen sense of smell. He would have found you already if he truly cared. They don't care; they know you are an outsider. I know that you had a rough time growing up. I know that everyone treated you differently and they kept you as an outcast." Jez had tears pouring out of her eyes by now. She thought to herself, it's true. Ever since I was born, everyone kept me blocked, and hidden. Mom and dad hid me from everyone. And whenever I was able to leave to hang out with people, they would make fun of me. They would call me a half breed, and a demon's daughter. I didn't know what that meant. Mom always made me wear sun glasses to hide my eyes whenever I went out. It was because of the color of my eyes. I was born with them. They were a bright crystal blue since the moment I was born. The doctors said that they were demon eyes on a human girl. I didn't understand any of why then. And I still don't know. "But, if you stay here with me, then you don't have to hide or be out casted ever again." Her eyes flew open and her head lifted up and she gazed at him. "What, what do you mean?" A dangerous smile creped across his face. "Don't be scared anymore. And stay here with me." His eyes were gentle and loving and it frightened her, but she caved. She laid her head down then looked back at him in his eyes. "Okay. I will stay with you." But there was something different about her, her eyes had turned from a bright blue to a dark, deep blue. Drake smiled at her lovingly and then nodded in approval, but regret lingered in his eyes. He had a sudden urge to let her go because of what he was doing. He untied her then disappeared into the shadows. He had to go think. The only reason they can't find her is because of the barrier I put up around the house. No one can find this place unless I put the barrier down; but if I do that, then Delos and that cursed Grace will come after me, but I'm still not strong enough to fight yet. I just need to wait here a bit longer then I will release it and then they can come and fight to take her back. But it will be too late, by then I will have released her true power. An evil grin swept across his face and then he went to hide in Jez's room because it was almost time for her to fall asleep.

Onceshe was asleep, he stood at her side. The light from a full moon shined throughthe window. This is the perfect night todo it. I already bit her, but she must become one, then it will be time totrain her. He lifted her head and moved her hair to reveal her bare neck.His fangs came out and he slowly bent down and bit her neck. Her blood filledhis mouth and she woke up and screamed a deadly and painful scream. He pulledaway then cut his wrist and poured it into her mouth. "Don't struggle or fight.It will be over soon." She started to cry and looked at him will pain, then thebarrier broke down without Drake doing it. "What? How can this be? No, youdon't have the power to bring down MY barriers yet!!" Jez changed; her eyeswent back to a bright crystal blue, her hair turned black with blood red tips.Fangs forms to a point in her mouth and her nails became sharpened to a point.Then she looked at him with hate and pain. When she spoke, a demonic ecofollowed. "What did you do to me? And answer truthfully or I will kill you." Helooked at her then turned. "I didn't think it would have happened until Itrained you. But I guess you were just that strong. All I did was simply bringout your true powers. Why do you think you were always an outcast? Why do youthink that people said that you had demon eye? You are not human Jez. So beforeyou do anything, let me explain." But it was too late. Hate and anger filledher eyes and she grabbed a dagger from under her pillow. "You don't have toexplain anything. If I am not human, then I am not worthy to live." She raised theknife up and brought it down hard. She stabbed herself in the stomach. Then herblood hit the floor and the smell filled the air. But she remained standing andstrong.    

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