Chapter 18: New Faces Fetch The Help

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Delos was patiently waiting in the village where Jez had disappeared. Grace was recovering nicely, but it still wouldn't help them. Delos was walking through the village and came by the still half burnt down temple where Jez was last seen. At least I know that she is still safe and alive. But why didn't she know me? Is it that place she is in? It must be. But it might be for the best that I don't tell Grace just yet. At that moment, Grace came up behind him. "Hey Delos. I'm just about healed. You have a plan yet to save Jez and bring her back?" Delos just stood there quiet because he didn't have a plan because it was no use. Without one of those animals, there was no way that they would be able to get her back home. Grace, seeing the pain in Delos's eyes, put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I know you are worried. So am I. But sulking isn't going to bring her back. So why don't you let me help. You also need some rest." Delos just ignored her. "It has been a month since we have seen her. I am worried, but I'm not sulking. I'm just thinking." Grace just kind of leaped from behind him to in front of him, looking him in the eye. It startled him for some reason. "What do you want? And stop looking at me like that." Grace chuckled and looked away. "Wow, I knew that wolves were good at hiding emotions, but you. You completely took the emotions out of your eyes. I can't tell what you're feeling anymore. But like I have to see what you are feeling. I know you. And that's only because you are the mate of my best friend." She tossed her hands in the air so they were aligned with her shoulders. "I still don't like you too much. But I can tolerate you now." Delos let out a sigh. "I agree with you completely." Then they started walking and creating a plan that Delos knew wouldn't work.
Dema and the three others were getting close to their destination. Dema called out so the others can hear her, "We are almost there. About another 20-30 minutes. Then we will get help for the princess." The others sounded released because they had been flying for a few hours and everyone was tired and wanted to rest. Waya gave a smile. "I wonder who it's going to be. Is it a night in shiny armor?" Kasai laughed at her. "Waya, you know those only exist in fairy tales. I bet it is a prince from another clan that has survived a terrible fate when he was younger." Dalio just rolled his eye. "It could just be a childhood friend of hers after she was separated from us as children." Dema listened to them and chuckled at their theories. "Dalio is right about one of them. And Kasai, you are half right. He is from another clan, but that is all. He is also princess Jezibella's mate. There are two people we will get today. One is male, one female. The male is her mate. His name is Delos. The female is her best friend. She is known as Grace." She explained to them about how they were worried about Jez and how they planned to get her back. But they couldn't without the animal and Dema knew that. So she had planned to get them and bring them to their secret territory. Maybe they could help Jez awaken out of whatever was keeping her asleep.

Luko, Rina, and Zoura were all out gathering information on their enemies. They head out of the protective barrier around their territory and started to head towards the enemy. They got there within little time. It wasn't far away, but they aren't much of a threat to them at the moment because they were all contemplating and joining forces so they will have a good chance when the millennium comes. They think that they will win if they have the upper hand, so they were not worried about attacking and losing their allies by fighting alone. As they were traveling, they atmosphere started to change. The weather became opposite from what it was a moment ago. The scenery also changed. At first, it was sunny, a light breeze blew, and it was beautiful as the trees and grass was green. But then, they sky instantly got dark, the wind stopped and all the trees and grass were dead. There were also bones scattered, but not closely together. They all started to slow down as they knew they had successfully approached enemy territory. Luko commanded this animal, Miko, to stop, and Rina and Zoura did the same. He dismounted and jumped onto his feet on the ground. As his feet hit, a puff of smoke and debris circled him and lifted up to his knees. It dissipated in the air after a few moments. When he spoke, he only talked loud enough so the others could hear him, but he knew not to talk to loud. "We will leave the animals here. It will only draw attention to us here. We will move quickly, sticking to the shadows." He grabbed a black shoulder bag off of Miko and put it on. Then he reached in and grabbed three objects that looked like choker necklaces. "These are transmitters. You put it on around your neck. When you want to contact someone out of us three, then you will press a button. Hold the button as you speak." He handed one to each of the girls and showed them how to put it on. Then they did a test run to make sure that they will all work. "We will separate to gather more information in a smaller amount of time. I will arrange a place for us to meet up in two hours. If you get into trouble, use your transmitter to call for back up. Do not engage in any battle alone. This is their territory and they will have the upper hand." They nodded and they were just about to split up before Rina spoke. "Be careful guys. Let's hope we find out something useful." Zoura and Luko smiled at her then they all left in different directions.

Back at the house with Jez, Luna waschanging the water in a medium-large bowl. Jez still had a fever and there wasno improvement in her condition. She was still asleep. Camyu was in his roomgetting rest, and Shukiko was sleeping in a chair beside Jez's bed. Luna wentback into the room with Jez and put a wash cloth into the warm water she hadput in the bowl. She lifted it out and rang it out to where only a little bitof water was still in it, enough to keep the warmth. She then placed it onJez's head. Jez did not look well. She had drops of sweat on her head, neck,and chest due to her fever. Her skin was also pale and her cheeks were flushed.Her breath was heavy as she was breathing out her mouth which was slightlyopen. Luna walked over to the window and looked outside when Shukiko woke upand was watching her. "Luna? Is there something wrong?" Luna didn't move, shestood by the window with her back against the wall. She was looking out of thewindow and her arms were crossed across her chest. "No, nothing is wrong. I wasjust thinking. That's all." Shukiko looked at Jez to see the clean wash clothon her forehead. Then he stood up and walked over to Luna at the window."What's on your mind? Is it Jez? Or are you possibly worried about the others?"Luna just looked at him. "How did you know?" He just looked up to the sky outthe window. "It's because I can see it in your face. Also because I know you."He finished with a smile then started to walk away. But then he stopped in thecenter of the room while facing the door. "Just don't over think or worry toomuch. They can all hold their own against someone if it comes to that. Theywill all return and the princess will be safe and healthy once more. Justwait." He turned his head to the side to give her one last assuring smile thenturned to leave.    

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