Chapter 8: The Poison Spreads

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Delos arrives at the castle in which the council is held with Grace and Jez on his back, Jez still unconscious. The doors automatically open as they did before. But this time, a guard, a healer, and the mistress were on the other side, ready to great them. Delos stopped and looked at the mistress as if he were trying to tell her something. She looked shocked but then she spoke. "So I see that you have found her. I am glad you did. It took only a week. The healer here will work on Jezibella. Grace, you may stay with her. But Delos, I would like to have a word with you. Take Jezibella to the healer's tent, and then come to my temple. I will be there waiting." Within a blink of an eye, the mistress was gone and the healer motioned for Delos to follow. Once at her tent, Delos laid down for grace to get off. The she got Jez off and she took her to a bed on the other side of the room. "Grace, you can stay here and help me treat Jezibella's wound. You can explain to me what happened so I know what I need to do." Grace nodded then looked at Delos, whose head was low and there was pain filling his eyes. I should have been there to protect you. But instead I let you down. Please be ok. I can't live without you. I'm not doing this for the millennium, I'm doing this because I love you and I refuse to lose you without a fight. Please be ok. Delos turned into his half-half form and the healer turned to face him. "I will make sure she is ok. When you get back, she may be asleep, but I will keep working on her. If she wakes up, I will send for you. Now go to the temple. The mistress is waiting." Delos looked worried, and then he gave. "Promise you will send for me the moment she wakes up. And that you will take care of her." The healer nodded then he turned to Grace. "Whatever happens, do not leave her side. I trust you. Don't let me figure out that it was a mistake." Grace nodded as well then he turned to leave. He stopped at the opening to outside. "And don't let her die!" And with that said, he was gone, rushing to the temple. "Grace, can you bring me a bowl of warm water and a wash rag? I need to bring down her fever. And also, bring me the elixir in the purple bottle from the cabinet." Grace followed her orders and brought back the bottle, water, and a rag. "What else can I do? I can't have her die." The healer smiled at her. "Don't worry, calm down. I am the best healer around and I will not let this young girl die. I am ordered to make her well again. So tell me, what happened?" The healer put the rag in the water and drained the water out the rag. Then she folded it and put it on Jez's head. Then she started mixing herbs and creating spells to heal Jez while Grace told her everything that happened. Starting with the kidnapping.

Delos arrived at the temple where the mistress had told him to go. He didn't see anyone but then her voice arose from the shadowed corner. "Good, you have arrived. Now, tell me what is wrong with the girl." Delos clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, he spoke once he loosened up. "It was Drake, my older brother. He kidnapped Jez and took her to a house with a barrier around it. It took me and Grace a week to even pick up the slightest scent. The only way we were able to find them, were because Drake bit Jez then gave her his blood. It awoken her powers and her screams shattered the barrier. I was able to pick up her scent and Grace was able to feel Jez's pain. She had a sharp pain in her stomach and the air filled with the scent of Jezibella's blood. We got there in no time, but it was too late. Jez had stabbed herself in the stomach because she didn't want to live if she wasn't human. Drake told her the secret, and for that, I destroyed him. She knows she is not human, and she knows she has powers, but that is all she knows. My demon came out and it was taking over. She gathered her strength and ran to me and wrapped her arms around me. Her touch alone is what stopped the transformation. She can purify evil. I don't understand it. But then she fell unconscious because of blood loss and then I brought her here." The mistress looked uncertain. "But that is not all. Is it? I can see it in your eyes. There is something that is bothering you. So what is it?" He looked down to the ground; his hair fell over his eyes. "No, that's not all. But there is more than just one thing that is bothering me. For starters, his bite mark poisoned her, and not even I could suck the poison out. It was too strong, and I fear it will take her life." She put a hand on his shoulder. "Stop that. She is in good care, so stop worrying. She will be fine. I can promise you that." Delos nodded then looked up at her again. "The other thing is that I killed Drake in my demon form. And it started to take over my body and kill me from the inside. But when I felt Jez's touch, it felt as if all evil was gone, no evil, or pain, or hate. Everything was love and peace and happiness. She purified my heart, but the demon is still in me. What if I go after someone I care about next? What if I go after Jez?" The mistress was tapping her finger on her leg. "I see what your fear is in both of those. But trust me; you are in our care now. Neither of you will get hurt. I promise."

All of a sudden, a guard came rushing into the door and stopped in front of the mistress and gazed into her eyes. "Oh. I see. That's not good at all. Well, you better lead us both there." Delos got a bad feeling that they were talking about Jez, and sure enough, they were. The guard led them to the healer's tent that held Jez. The tent was surrounded by people and they moved out of the way for the mistress, the guard, and Delos to get inside. There were two healers, one guard and Grace standing all around the bed that Jez was on earlier. Delos made his way to her side to see that the poison had spread from her neck to her chest. "Delos, move so I can take a look at what we are dealing with." He moved out of the mistress's way and she looked long and hard at Jez's body. "Just as I expected, this is the poison work of a demon. Only the one who placed it on her is the one who can take it back." Delos looked angry. "But how can that happen seeing as I killed him?" Everyone looked at the mistress to see what she would say. "It is simple. But I have a job for you and Grace. Both of you go to the place where Drake was killed and bring back his body. Make sure that is heart in intact. Bring his body back here and take it to the temple me and you were just at. I will take it from there. Go, and we will work on Jezibella for her awakening." With that, Delos and Grace were off and a muscled guard came into the tent. "We have the bedded cart outside." He went over and picked up Jez and carried her outside where there were three other guards who were strong. Beside them was a wooden bed with a roof and handle on the bottoms. The one guard, carrying Jez, laid her on the bed and folded her hands in one another. He went to the empty corner and grabbed the handle on the bottom at the same time the other three did. All together, they lifted the bed and carried it to the temple. The mistress followed behind and so did some of the people surrounding the tent. Everyone went to the temple and soon, Delos and Grace arrived with Drake's corpse. "Take the girl into the temple. Delos, take the body into the temple as well. Then leave so I may do what I have to." One of the guards grabbed her arm. "Must you have to do this right now?" She looked at him. "It is the only way to save her. And it is the only way to release the poison. And I have done it once before, I will be fine." The guard loosened his grip the let go of her arm. "Yes, of course." Everyone came out of the temple and she went in, but she stopped at the door and peered over her shoulder. "Whatever you hear, or whatever happens, does not disturb anything. And do not come in." And with that being said, she closed the doors and went in.

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