Chapter 9: The Awakening

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The mistress went to Drake's corpse first. "Why did you do this to her? You know how important she is. And it was a mistake telling her what she is. So now you will pay the price." She took her hand and drove it into his chest and pulled out his heart and carried it over to Jez's body. "Jezibella Lupita Redfern. You are not human and you possess many powers. Drake did wrong telling you before you were ready though. Your ancestors were hunters of vampires and werewolves. One day, your mother was out on a hunting job and she came across a clan. They were different and they were creatures we had never dealt with before. She was welcomed and treated as an honored guest. A young man started coming around and your mother started to fall in love with him. And with no surprise, he fell in love with her. He wasn't human and your mother knew that. He came from the Lupita clan of the Blue Flame. And he was your father. You are not human, but you are also not evil. And you are the very last of your kind. You look human. All but your eyes. You get those from him. Your mother was able to keep you hidden as the rest of the hunters killed off your people. The millennium is coming and you are the only one who can stop it. We may be able to hold it off, but only you have the power to completely end it. So with that said, you will live. Even if it means my life." She took a dagger from her belt and cut a slit on her wrist. Blood drained off her wrist and onto the heart she held, then onto the floor. She let the heart hover over Jez's mouth and then she slowly squeezed it so that the blood would come out. Her own blood mixed with the blood of the heart which put the poison in her mixed together and drained into Jezibella's mouth. "Drink, and live again my dear." All of a sudden, the lights flickered and then the bulbs busted. The fires went out. Suddenly, a blue fire appeared in the corner and the mistress's eyes widened. "No. you must control yourself. Do not let this go to your head and get out of control." The fire stopped turning blue and turned into a regular flame, but the flame itself grew bigger and soon, the temple was on fire. The mistress used her powers to put up a barrier around the two of them so the fire wouldn't burn them. Within a few minutes, everything was on fire except the small space inside the barrier.

Outside of the temple, everyone was stirring and wanting to get inside to get everyone out, but they had to follow the mistress's orders. "What does she expect us to do? Just sit here and watch the temple burn with her inside?" A voice said from the crowd of people. Delos had a very worried look on his face. "Just stay put. No one goes in; I can't smell anyone's blood, so they are safe. The mistress must have put up a barrier because I can barely pick up Jez's scent, but I can still catch it, so it is weak. Quick, get water, lots of it. Put out the fire before her barrier comes down!" Just a few moments later, everyone was getting water and putting out the fire. Once it was completely out, half of the temple was burnt to the ground, but the two were safe and they put out the fire right before the barrier came down. Relief spread across Delos's face, but worry remained within his eyes. "Now whatever happens from here on out, we do not interfere with anything else. Unless they are in danger of dying, we stay here." Delos had the natural instinct to act as a leader in this situation, and everyone but he knew why. Delos is the son of a general that died in the last millennium, a war between the worlds. So being a leader came naturally to him. Delos always thought that his father left him and the rest of the family. He didn't know who his father was, or even what he looked like. Drake was the only one out of them that knew their father.

The mistress let down her barrier. "I owe that Delos for this. He saved us both. Now let's look at that mark." She moved the hair off Jez's neck to see if the poison had reacted to the blood. But when she moved her hair back, she was startled. "But how? How can this be? It is impossible!" She noticed that there was no reaction to the blood, but Jez had purified it. "This means what Delos told me was true. You do have the power to purify evil. Now to see what powers you have at your young age." She took the same dagger she slit her wrist with and cut Jez's wrist. Her warm, red blood poured from her wrist. Spilling over and hitting the floor. It looked like a waterfall. When the first drop of blood hit the ground, blue fire and lightning surround them both. Jez's eyes flew open to reveal bright crystal blue eyes full of pain and sorrow. She sat up and reached her right hand to the left side of her neck where the bit mark is. "Does it still hurt?" The mistress said to get Jez's attention. She looked up and saw her standing in front of her. "Just a little. What happened to me? I was awake, I knew everything that was happening, but I couldn't move or talk. I couldn't even gather enough strength to open my eyes. What is going on? I'm scared. Tell me who and what I am and if I am really as important as you say I am. What is the Millennium?" The mistress cut her off. "Stop asking so many questions. I will answer all of them soon. But right now, you need to rest." Jez lay down but she did not close her eyes. "Where is Delos? And Grace? Are they ok?" The mistress smiled at her. "Yes. They are perfectly fine. They are very worried about you. Not many people survive when under that type of poison. You are a very lucky one. But what I don't understand is what you did. But not by the blood, it was because you purified it." Jez sat up once more. "I made it pure. Go figure. That's not the first time that has happened. I have done that a lot lately. I didn't understand it then, but now I do." Mistress looked interested and asked, "What do you mean by you have been purifying a lot of things lately?" Jez looked scared so mistress comforted her. "Do not be scared. Whatever has happened and whatever happens, nothing can harm you anymore. Trust me." She finished with an assuring smile. Jez smiled back. "Alright. Well, it's like with people. One day there was a fight between two boys; I got between them and touched them both on the shoulder. Their eyes lit up and they smiled. Then they got along as if the fight never happened." The mistress smiled and explained. "Jezibella Lupita Redfern. You are the daughter of a human and a purified demon. You are the last of your kind also. You have very powerful talents and amazing powers. But you still need to learn to control them. Do not ever let you powers overwhelm you or you will not be able to become pure again." Jez started to look both worried and excited at the same time. "Can you help me keep control?" Mistress smiled at her again. "Yes. We can train you so you can use your powers to full extent and still be pure." Jez smiled and the blue fire and lightning die out. Then both got quiet and worried as they heard dying screams from outside the temple.

Themistress ran to the door and looked outside. "Oh no. that demon is back. Don'tmove Jezibella. I will take care of this." Before Jez could argue, she wasgone. Jez sat there and thought about everything. All of a sudden she heard thescreaming of Grace and she couldn't sit around any longer. She got up and ranto the door and outside. But she stopped dead in her tracks on the steps. Shesaw Grace laying on the ground and not moving. Tears came to her eyes but thenshe heard Delos's voice. "Jez! Get back inside now! It's too dangerous outhere." But before he could finish his sentence, the demon was right in front ofher. Jez and the demon were staring at each other in the eye. The demon was abig, black, dog-like creature. Jez changed her expression from scared to lovingand smiling. The demon changed from a fighting stance to just standing. Then itbowed its head to her in greeting. Many voices and questions arose from thecrown. Some questions that were asked were, "What is she doing to it?" and "Howis the demon so calm?" Delos knew she was ok and he trusted her, so he went togo check on Grace, who was still passed out on the ground. Jez slowly liftedher hand and the demon growled and the crowd stirred. But she lifted her handand touched the demon dog's head and it stopped growling and it closed itseyes. Jez knew it was no longer a demon and not a demon at all. "This dog is nodemon. How can you people be so frightened by something so gentle?" Jez stoppedpetting it and stood beside it, facing the people. "If you people are sofrightened by her, then I will take her. I will train her and use her fornothing but good purposes. Then you people will have nothing else to fear. Shewill be mine and if anyone ever tries to harm her, I will kill them with nohesitation. She is now under my protection. So is Delos and Grace. And ifanyone has anything to say, then I will sink Amora on them." The mistresslooked at her weird. "Amora?" Jez looked at her only. "Yes. I figured sheneeded a name, so her name is Amora." Amora's fur coat turned from black towhite and she sat down beside Jez. She started to stroke the dog's head and itlaid down for Jez to climb on, and she did. Delos looked at her. "Don't dothis. Stay here; don't let her take you there." Everyone were exchanging looksand looking back and forth from Jez to Delos, confused about what he wastalking about. The mistress's voice broke everyone's attention. "Archers atyou're ready!" Jez looked at her and she had hate and rage filling her eyes."Amora. Let's go. Now!" Delos launched forward to stop them, but before hecould reach them, they were gone without a trace. He knew that he can catch upwith them later because he knew exactly where they were going. Then he walkedback over to Grace and helped the healers who were tending to her.    

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