Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep

I heard from my alarm clock or my friend trying to get me to wake up before the rents. It was kinda cold but it's the middle of summer with his was kinda weird but whatever. I get up and walk over to the washroom witch was connecting to my room so it wasn't that far of a walk. I did all of those girly things but I don't wear makeup so that saves me like 30 mins. I quietly walk down stairs to make sure that the rents are not awake.

I go to the kitchen grab an apple and glance at the clock 7:35. I should get going so I would get to school on time. I don't take the bus for school I walk there and back because everyone just stairs at me when I'm there. The walk to school is like 30 mins it's really not that bad of a walk. Before I left I could hear the mumbles from the other room meaning the rents are up... Crap I grab my stuff and walk out the door hoping that they didn't hear me.

As I walk down the road I always walk down I find my good friend Dean. He has been helping me with my problems and he tries to stop the bullies from picking on me but it ends up failing. I waved at him and he did the same back we started walking to school together but it was quite the whole way there.

Time skip to lunch at school

Even tho I live in the states it's not as free as people think it is. You can't get that freedom till your 18 witch is stupid. I was walking down the hall to go to lunch with my earbuds in listening to The End. By My Chemical Romance. Only to be stopped mid way there by the only and only group of bullies witch honestly I think they are gay... They are the most poplar in the school yet they refuse to have a girlfriend always standing next to each other.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Derrick slapping my face sense he thought I was ignoring him I kinda was. I tried to quickly walk away but that didn't work either, I was grabbed by my arm and hair, pushed to the ground. I don't even know where Dean is but not that he could help me that much he just ends up getting pushed and blocked from helping me. I just sat there waiting for the boys to do something cause they where just staring at me so I slowly got up them still staring and walked away I don't know what happened but I'm happy I didn't get that hurt.

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